IPhone application

just signed up and am downloading the IPhone SDK
to see about creating a IPhone applicatin to display your weather data from the clientraw file

its hude, 1.7GB!
thats going to stretch my satellite connection bandwidth!!!

Brian, you really drank the Apple Kool-Aide You’re moving towards the light now:lol:

I’ll be waiting to see what you come up with, I’ll be saving space on my iPhone for your app.

Brian - sounds great! If you need testing or such - let me know - I would be happy to assist if needed!

yes, will need testers (I dont have a iphone, but there are simulators)
the download of the SDK has stalled at 51% , darn…ok now,got it restarted, clicked on pause , then restart, in the download manager (Firefox)

This would be the cat’s a$$. I’ll help however I can.

You probably got fapped. Too bad about that.

after getting the download going again, It was dinner time…and I closed the lid on the laptop…that was the end of end download…silly me!

Cool! Would be nice to have a WD client on my iPhone or iPT ! Right now I have the house lights on both but they are just Safari pages that connect to a secure Indigo server. Would be neat to be able to see the app running as well as get the View menu and reports from the running WD app! Maybe be able to do some settings. Gee, just getting the clientraw files on the iPhone should be enough to get all the data you need just like running a client on another Mac!

I will be glad to test on my simulator, or buy and try , anything lol!

I’ve got an Iphone and willing to help (but does that require me to set up all that client raw etc stuff on WD first).

I too drank the Apple Cool Aid - over the holidays, I ditched my pc - went to Imac, ditched my old flip phone - went to iphone

I really am glad I made both changes

Anyways… I degress… If I can help with Iphone test, just let me know


If you want i can download it for you, then rar it up into multiple rar files then upload it to me server
that way if it fails the download, only 1 section will fail and you just restart it, I can do it in 50mb
or 100mb or what ever you want?

Thats if you aint got it already?

I will get the download going again closer to my bandwidth cap day roll over (21st)
thanks for the offer though :wink:

ok no worries, the offer is open though should you need it :slight_smile:

really hope you get started soon :slight_smile: looking forward to an iPhone app :slight_smile: and with OS 3.0 released tomorrow it would be very nice :slight_smile:

I downloaded the file,…but when I went to install it had a CRC error on the verification
so I will have to re download
or download from a fast connection where there is not bandwidth issue too

An app would be awesome. I would help you test it if needed.

my 3rd attempt on a download still resulted in crc errors on trying to open the file
(satellite internet)
I will have normal phone line broadband in 3 weeks in the new house we have been building and so will re download then :slight_smile:

I got sent the SDK from a forum member in Aus
and its loaded
and I have created a first “hello world” application (actualy says weather display)
in the iphone simulator

so, first question, what do you guys want to see?
your own stations weather data , pulled from say your clientraw file?

That would be nice can’t wait :blob8:

How about a way to pull weather data from other sites as well? Maybe multiple screens for each site like the iPhone weather app where you could point it towards other WD sites you’re interested in.

primarily my own weather data from clientraw, but of course possibility to add other stations would also be nice.

there is an example code which displays google
and I have made that able to show any web page, via the URL I put in the code
so thats a start