Weather Display is in a constant evolution. The software is being updated by Brian (the author) almost daily. Here are some suggestions for updating your Weather Display software to a new version:
You can check the “version history” here - this is where Brian posts his bug fixes and new additions:
Weather Display History
Go to this link to download the new version:
Weather Display Download
On the download page, for Windows you will see four choices:
Weather Display install file version#
This download is the most recent update of the complete install package and is the one that should be used for normal program updating. It includes the latest versions of all ancillary files like FTP, and the station specific data collection programs.
Weather Display zip update version#
This download normally only includes a zipped (compressed) version of the main Weather-Display program, it does not normally include any ancillary programs. The .zip version is updated between updates of the full download as the author works with users to add updates and fixes. Only use this one to update your system if it has been updated with the full version very recently (to avoid incompatibilities with older versions of the ancillary files), and you are interested in trying a new feature or fix you see being worked on in the forum.
Updating with the full version
To update with the full version first shut down Weather Display on your computer by clicking on “Exit > Save & Exit”. Also make sure there are no other WD applications running on your system tray, e.g. realtimeFTP, or station specific data collection programs like those for the WMR stations etc. Then simply double click on the downloaded Weather Display installer and follow through the screens. When you start Weather Display again, you should be running the new version - check this by reading the version number on the top bar of the program.
Updating with the .zip version
Download the .zip file. Shut down Weather Display running on your computer by clicking on “Exit > Save & Exit”. Also make sure there are no other WD applications running on your system tray, e.g. realtimeFTP, or station specific data collection programs like those for the WMR stations etc. Verify your Weather Display install directory, usually C:\wdisplay or sometimes C:\Program Files\wdisplay. Make a backup copy of the WeatherDisplay.exe main program file so you can quickly revert to it if the .zip update does not meet your needs. Next, find your downloaded zip file, and extract that file into the Weather Display install directory. After un-zipping, just re-start the program and verify the version number.
Note: If your system has WeatherD.exe rather than WeatherDisplay.exe then don’t use the zip update method. You must do an install with the full version first.
Hint: If you are using the WDMYSQL or clientraw.txt update utilities, make sure they are shut down before starting your upgrade. If these are still running they will be visible as icons on the Windows system tray (normally at the right hand end of the task bar).
Hint: It is a good idea to keep your downloads of Weather Display somewhere in their own folder. If you encounter a problem with a new version, you can go back to an older version by following the steps above.