If you find the need or desire to completely Uninstall Weather Display this FAQ should help.
Note that in many instances you may simply want to Upgrade WD.
Or if trying to troubleshoot a problem then installing a second test install may be more appropriate.
But if you find that want you want to do is completely Remove WD from your computer here goes… (Note this is assuming and we all know what that means… you have WD Installed on a machine running Windows 98, 2000 or XP)
Step 1: Make sure WeatherDisplay is completely shut down, check using your Task Manager for any running instances…
Step 2: Press the Start Button on your Windows Desktop…
then Press “Run”.
Step 3: Type in regedit.exe and press “OK”
Step 4: Expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER and locate wdisplayftp.ini
Right Click on the entry for wdisplayftp.ini then and select Delete and then press delete…
Step 5: Open “My Computer” from the Start Button…
Then locate Local Disk, usually C: and click or double click to open depending on your local settings…
Open “Windows” in XP or 98 or “WINNT” if running Windows 2000
Locate WDISPLAY.INI (or wdisplay.ini) and right click and delete…
Final Step Delete all Folders and files manually from your Local Disk you or WD may have created, typically “WDisplay” or “WDISPLAY” depending on what you specified when installing WD…
Note: The reason that WD is not included in the Add/Remove Programs group is that WD in many instances creates files and settings that are not known by Windows registry and it would be impossible to completely remove it using Add/Remove Programs" as a result…