How to setup jpgraphs and wxgraphs

hmm try:


without the webroot… Like I said in earlier posts, the TTF_DIR variable has a mind of its own half the time.

also try:


see if that works.

That is not working either

OK, got it now.

Thanks for all the help

Im trying to set up jpgraphs as described in the first post. However when I download the jpgraph file from the jpgraph site I get a file called “jpgraph-3.5.0b1.tar” this is a GZ file. Is this right ? I can’t find the “ in the jpgraph-x.xx/src folder”… What have i done wrong? Any help on this one would be great

Thanks Pete.

I just downloaded the jpgraph-3.5.0b1.tar.gz file and I see in the /src folder. How are you extracting the files from the tar.gz archive? If you don’t have a windows extract program for tar/gz I can recommend 7zip.

Thanks Niko
You’re right. I was not unzipping the jpgraph-3.5.0b1.tar.gz file, just opening it in note pad! Just opening it in note pad, no wonder I couldn’t find anything.!!
Thanks again. I will give 7zip a try later.


All up and running now :smiley:




I got the graphs up running, but I’m wondering why, the humidity is out of scale?

Sometimes it’s like more than 100%, and then not readable on the graphs?

Where are your clientraw files? Have you checked the data with NameBright - Domain Expired ?

I’ve checked yes, and nothing seems to be more than 100% - and it work fine with WDL.

There are a lot of 100’s. (Can that be correct?)

And I think it’s just a limitation of the graphing program that it doesn’t plot a 100 line along the top of the graph. If you changed the humidity scale to 101 max I think it would plot the 100 line. I think the legend would still stop at 100 so it would still look OK.

Hello Niko!

We have very wet conditions here, and I’ve set 97% as 100%, so that explain the 100%.

Well I’ll try to find the code, and change the scale to 101%, and see how that goes - do you know where I have to look? :wink:

Thank you

100% isn’t too common so your 97 as 100 may be an overstatement but that’s a whole other discussion :lol:

For example in temp+hum_24hr.php, line 67




Forget that one. Since 100 is an artificial number I think it would be better to change all the 100’s to 99’s and not mess with the scale. So

After line 54

$y2data = $y;


foreach ($y2data as &$value) {
	if ($value >99 )
    $value = 99;

I am using version 2.1.0 of the steelseries gauges . When I look at the wxgraphs graphsconfg.php I see the color for solar should be gold. Mine is blue. Humidity should be darkgray mine is blue. Same for humidity. I tried changing the colors in the conf file but the colors of the popup did not change. Any ideas?


Hi Guys, definitely Great software and Huge potential, I have already accomplished to get the data from our weather station online with Weather Display Live and created the Graphs with Wxgraphs, however just 2 doubts to make it Brilliant…

1- How to change the barometer scale on wxgraphs php because it is set from 940 to 1060, sometimes a 10 mb drop is barelly noticed…

2- How can I have the wind direction graphs show the wind direction average of only day time (say for example from 8 am to 10 pm) this way I could really see how is the wind behaving at the location during all day, since the night time messes up the graph with pretty much all wind directions and does not interest us.

If any help possible would be Great!
Keep up :wink:

How exactly do you want the baro scale to work? If you can define that we can probably show you how to implement it.

Having some trouble getting graphs to work on mouseover. I am pretty sure I have followed the instructions carefully. If I try to open a graph in a web browser (wxgraphs/baro_1hr.php) for example, I get this error.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘$’ in /home/content/03/10235403/html/wxgraphs/graphsconf.php on line 20

I have wxgraphs and jpgraph-3.5 in separate folders under my root.

This is from graphsconf.php:

$hostloc //$hostloc = “${WEBROOT}/”; //must have trailing slash
= “${WEBROOT/”;
$jploc = “${WEBROOT}/jpgraph-3.5/src/”; //must have trailing slash

Is my config wrong? Something simple…again?


Unless the forum messed it up (use the # button the use a code window) that’s wrong, it should be formatted like:

//$hostloc = "${WEBROOT}/";                   //must have trailing slash
$hostloc = "q:/weatherweb/";
$jploc = "${WEBROOT}/jpgraph-1.20.5/src/";   //must have trailing slash