I didnt… I just took about 3 different templates and combined them. There was a wxastromony page someone else did a sunposition script and someone else had better graphics. I just took the best of all of em and made a nice layout… I can post my templates if you want…
Again, not my work, I just combined them all and made it xhtml compliant.
The Blue is what the test graphs are set to use. The White/bands actually is an indication generally that version 3.5 of jpgraphs is being used and the line is not commented out.
remove "required_once(‘jpgraph_theme.inc.php’) from the jpgraph.php script.
That line conflicts with the backgrounds in jpgraphs 3.5. The test graphs have the blue backgrounds and in order to see them, you need to comment or delete that line. If not you get the striped white/grey look your friend has.
I removed the // again from that line & indeed the graphs then displayed with the horizontal bands like my friend’s, but then I lost the shadows again (I’d forgotten about our earlier conversation about this!).
So I guess there’s no way no produce the shadow effect AND the horizontal stripes?