How to setup jpgraphs and wxgraphs

I didnt… I just took about 3 different templates and combined them. There was a wxastromony page someone else did a sunposition script and someone else had better graphics. I just took the best of all of em and made a nice layout… I can post my templates if you want…

Again, not my work, I just combined them all and made it xhtml compliant.

Why not! I’d love that on my own astronomy section.


Looking for some help with my graphs… All was fine until I updated to the latest version. Clearly I screwed something up in the process. #-o

Here is the link to the test page:

As you can see, the graphs don’t appear. If you open one of the images, the error message that is generated says:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting '`' in /home/thornt01/public_html/wxgraphs/graphsconf.php on line 261

Attached is my graphsconf.php. Not sure what the heck I did wrong.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!


graphsconf.txt (8.79 KB)

look at line 27

$ysize = `92;

delete the ’

scroll back a few posts to find the line to delete to get the blue backgrounds to show up.

Well, crud! Me and my fat fingers! I went through the danged thing line by line trying to find the ’ but clearly I also have malfunctioning eyes.

Thank you very much for the help!


I have another question about my graphs…

Look at my test page here: -

And a friend of mine’s test page here: -

The second page has alternating grey bands on the y-axis of his graphs which makes them easier to read. How can this be achieved?


The Blue is what the test graphs are set to use. The White/bands actually is an indication generally that version 3.5 of jpgraphs is being used and the line is not commented out.

Thanks tmsn,

Where can I find this line to check whether or not it’s commented out?

Simon – you have it done correctly.

remove "required_once(‘’) from the jpgraph.php script.

That line conflicts with the backgrounds in jpgraphs 3.5. The test graphs have the blue backgrounds and in order to see them, you need to comment or delete that line. If not you get the striped white/grey look your friend has.

Thanks again tman,

I removed the // again from that line & indeed the graphs then displayed with the horizontal bands like my friend’s, but then I lost the shadows again (I’d forgotten about our earlier conversation about this!).

So I guess there’s no way no produce the shadow effect AND the horizontal stripes?

Having a problem with this. I have followed the installation instructions to the letter. I get the attached error:

Looks like you have not created the TTF file, have you done the steps to do this as detailed on page 1 of this thread?


Yes, I have created the ttf directory and uploaded the font files as well.

this is valid:

so try this now:


Try placing the font file in the src/fonts directory - see the posts on the previous page (20).

nope, it doesn’t work either

nope to which one? mine or spire suggestion

what is your TTF_DIR set to?

“nope” to tman’s.

The path to the ttf dir is ${WEBROOT}/jpgraph-3.5/ttf/