How to setup jpgraphs and wxgraphs

Figured it out once I ran some other tests on the php installation. Apparently FreeType wasn’t enabled for some reason. I recompiled php and all is working. :smiley:

I have just installed jpgraph and wxgraphs. Easy installation and no problems–except one.

I want to use inches of mercury for the barometer setting and have these values in my graphconf.php file:

$pres_conv = 0.0295; // Set to 0.0295 for in of Mercury or 1 for hPa/mb
$pres_unit = "in"; //Set to required value

I get an error saying the minvalue I have set is larger than the max allowed value.

I suspect it should not be “in”. But I am not sure what it should be.

Oh, if I use hPa/mb I have no issues.


This is for the test graphs im assuming? The barometeer graph has a min max setting and u need to change that after switiching units




Had to modify that a bit for mine…


Obviously that was because of the different structure in 3.5.0b1. It still failed. Finally took a copy of Arial from /windoze/fonts/ and dumped it into the jpgraph /fonts/. That DID work, and everything on wxgraphs_test.html finally showed up.

Thanks for the tip in the right direction.

Firstly thanks to everyone in this thread for helping me to get wxgraphs up & running for inclusion in my SteelSeries Gauges.

One thing stumps me (as I am new to php) - how do I produce the drop shadow on the graphs that I see many of you have? Mine are just flat - my test page is here: -

Also why do I some errors in place of some of my graphs?



are you running 3.5?

if so:

remove "required_once(‘’) from the jpgraph.php script.

Then you will get the drop shadows.

looks like your are missing the arial font or something?

Thanks tman1991, that fixed it. I copied the arial & arialbd fonts to the ttf folder as requested. Is there anything else I should to to sort the problem graphs?

Many thanks for your help,

Did you modify the setup file for the ttf location? read back a few posts there is some discussion on that.

OK I’ve made those modifications to the setup & moved the arial & arialbd files to the arc/fonts directory but I still have those graph errors.

My path is now: -


See: -

Is there anything else I’m missing?

try define(‘TTF_DIR’,‘${WEBROOT}/jpgraph-3.5.0b1/src/fonts/’);

the font thing is very hit or miss… Its very finicky to paths and I’ve seen a few different solutions.

Same result I’m afraid #-o

Any more suggestions? Really appreciate your help.

you have arial.ttf in /jpgraph-3.5.0b1/src/fonts/ ?

Like I said, the font thing is very weird on this…

Or do you have them in ttf folder?

I have fonts in blah/src/fonts and blah/ttf where blah is more path stuff to the jpgraph directory.

My arial is in ttf

so try

try define(‘TTF_DIR’,‘${WEBROOT}/jpgraph-3.5.0b1/ttf/’);



are your fonts at least 664 on permissions?

The requested URL /jpgraph-3.5.0b1/src/fonts/arial.ttf was not found on this server.

The requested URL /jpgraph-3.5.0b1/ttf/arial.ttf was not found on this server.

I think thats the problem.

where is arial.ttf?

They’re in both locations. Not sure what you mean by on 664 permissions?


664 is a unix number which sets permission bits. As far as read, write, execute. Its possible they are hidden files and not readable.

From your browser do:

does either of them work?

if you get errors and not a download prompt that means one of two things.

  1. the file is NOT there
  2. it is hidden, or not readable by world permissions.

now that you got it working you can do cool graphs like I have in this page:

The sunposition graph is a jpgraph…

I have been a complete idiot! :roll:

I was using ariali.ttf - missed that extra i on the end. I obviously need an eye examination, even though I’m an optometrist!

You have been very helpful though, and very patient! Thanks.

Wow that is fantastic! I won’t ask how you did it :wink:
