It’s probably a ttf error. Try posting the problems here.
Problem solving errors isn’t my strong point. There have been some with ttf errors when used in Europe.
It’s probably a ttf error. Try posting the problems here.
Problem solving errors isn’t my strong point. There have been some with ttf errors when used in Europe.
Your arial.ttf is here http://www.mavahome.com/jpgraph/ttf/arial.ttf
So if “customers/mavahome.com/mavahome.com” is correct I suggest you try:
or if not try
MadALwx : I will try there
niko : Tested as suggested. Didn’t make any difference. Still same error message.
I can not view the graphs, I
as “broken images” when I run the file
wxgraphs_test. However, I did install the
prog following the instructions at the beginning
this forum. Someone can come to my aid?
Php 5.3.2
jpg: 3.5.0b1
$ jploc = “$ {WEBROOT} / jpgraph-3.5.0b1/src /”;
hardpath: / volume1/web/jpgraph-3.5.0b1/ttf /
all in a Synology NAS (DSM 3.0)
Thank you for your help
Try changing your server side, or website jpgraph directory to “jpgraph/src”.
Or make sure graphsconf.php matches your directory name for jpgraph. Both have to match.
Anyone else having an issue with SetFillColor being ignored for bar graphs in JpGraph Version 3.5.0b1 ?
No matter what I do I get the default blue even with a line of code like
$barplot->SetFillColor('[email protected]');
Version 2.3.3 behaves differently (correctly) and the fill color gets honored.
This version seems to be very sensitive to the order of commands, see this for the fix Web developer oddities: jpGraph - cannot change line colour (or color)
(I swore I subscribed to this thread … But I just saw the reply)
Worked like a Champ. Thanks Niko.
That’s great! Always nice to hear back
Many Thanks, this is one of the easiest ive found to install and set up, Thanks Heaps
Do you have a link to your graphs?
Hello to all children,
Today I tried to install these graphs using the guide made the front page, following all the steps explained.
Unfortunately, however 'at the end of the installation, when I go to see an image does not appear.
Here is the referral link on my site: http://www.ombarcellonapg.tk/wdisplay/wxgraphs/rain_7days.php
Can you help?
Thanks in advance.
Need to work through the error messages one by one. First please make a copy of your graphsconf.php as graphsconf.txt and post it as an attachment.
Hello everyone,
I finally resolved and I can visuallizzare graphics but why some do not see it??
and then I ask how you can 'change the template of the graphs?
solution found for backgrounds with jpgraph 3.5b01
remove "required_once(‘jpgraph_theme.inc.php’) from the jpgraph.php script and it worked (or I guess you could just comment it). This is in jpgraph version 3.5.0b1
Thanks to RonParWX
I’m getting a message on many of my graphs “JpGraph Error : 25091 - Internal font does not support drawing text at arbitrary angle. Use TTF fonts instead.” Also all my other graphs are not using TTF. Is there somewhere TTF needs to be turned on? I’ve gone back over the instructions at least four times, and tried every combination of paths possible.
Test is at WX Graphs test page and hardpath at http://www.grantspassweather.com/jpgraph/ttf/hardpath.php Path is set as
try this
I had a similar issue where mine was in ‘blah/public_html/jpgraph/ttf/’ also and it didnt work until I tried that above.
Thanks much for the idea. Unfortunately didn’t work in my case.
Heres another idea… move the stuff from wxgraphs to the root and try that…
Thanks again, tman1991. That didn’t do it either, though.
I did get all the graphs to display by changing $label_angle = 60 to $label_angle = 90 (thus not an arbitrary angle like it was complaining about). But they’re still not using TTF. So I guess the problem is back in JpGraph.
I do have working graphs now. Anymore suggestions on getting TTF to work is still appreciated.