How to setup jpgraphs and wxgraphs

Or maybe this if you use the default structure:

$hostloc = "${WEBROOT}/";                   //must have trailing slash
$jploc = "${WEBROOT}/jpgraph-1.20.5/src/";   //must have trailing slash

This is what I have

$hostloc = "${WEBROOT}/";                   //must have trailing slash
//$hostloc = "./";
$jploc = "${WEBROOT}/jpgraph/src/";   //must have trailing slash

Thanks, got it. This workedā€¦after I fixed a typo #-o

$hostloc = "${WEBROOT}/";
$jploc = "${WEBROOT}/jpgraph-3.5/src/";   //must have trailing slash

I upgraded to jpgraph3.5.0b1 and none of my graphs are not showing up. Went through things and did not see anything wrong. Any help would be great.


Should have left it the way it was. Plus I should have backed up the files so I could have reverted back to them. I have looked and can not find out why the graphs are not showing up.


I am about ready to just delete files and reupload. Can not figure out what is wrong with my jpgraphs.


Hello Chuck!

Have you figured out what

I just started from the beginning and got them working.


Nice to hear.


I copied the test.php to the root of the web server but I just get the response 404 file or directory not found when I try and access it from the web browser.

I am running IIS 7.


hi! i set up the wxgraphs and jpgraph in my website for using them with steelgauges; iā€™ve a strange problem; sometimes the graphs appearā€¦sometimes they donā€™t. I canā€™t figure it outā€¦anyone can hel me?

you can se the problem at WX Graphs test page

I followed the instructions to setup jpgraphs and wxgraphs. I dont seem to have gained the functionality.

I am using WD and Steel Guages.

When I click on the guages the graphics dont come up. Similarly the links dont work at the bottom of the page. Our page is at

web directories attached.

What did I miss?

Any guidance greatfully received.

Can you post the url for one of the graphs?

Newbies for you hey!

In the root of the webserver I have the wxgraphs folder which had loads of php files. They seem like graph names eg wind dir 7 days
I have weather13 folder which is where the WD software points to and is attached
I have gaugesnew. Nothing there looks like graphs
I also have guages and jpgraph folder.

I think I am doing soemthing really dum here bit I cant see it.



OK, so I found your graphs, for example but as you can see itā€™s not working because it canā€™t find the jpgraph files. Did you follow the instructions in the readme.txt (from the wxgraphs download) to set the paths to jpgraph and the data ?

Thanks for the hint. I made the mods as described in the readme.

$hostloc = ā€œ${WEBROOT}/weather13/ā€; //must have trailing slash
$jploc = ā€œ${WEBROOT}/jpgraph-3.5.0b1/src/ā€; //must have trailing slash

So now I have the graphs working using the url. :slight_smile:

Grrrrrrrā€¦cbut I still havenā€™t made the link from the gauges page (links at the bottom or clicking on the gauges)

I read the rest of the readme stuff again. Nothing. Iā€™m sure I need to edit the links in a file bot cant see which.

Any ideas?

OK, thatā€™s because itā€™s expecting the graphs to be in /gaugesnew but they are in /wxgraphs so you need to fix the path. This time you need to look at the readme.txt for the gauges, I see:

If required edit the ā€œgauges.jsā€, the key items are at the top:
The relative path on your website to the ā€œrealtimegauges.txtā€ file.
The relative path on your website to your ā€˜trendā€™ graphs folder.

:smiley: You have got my graphs working !!!

The only thing I am shy are the links at the bottom of the page.

eg. returns an error. I have looked and cant find where yesterday.htm exists let alone where to make the directory change

This help is gratefully received.

The links at the bottom of the page you have used are for Cumulus. Just remove them and use your normal webpage links that you use on the rest of the site. Lots of people use the Saratoga templates that separate out the navigation links. Sorry but I havenā€™t checked your site to see which templates you ate using - too much Christmas good and drink beckoningā€¦

I decided to update my wxgraphs page today and so far not to good : ) Iā€™m receiving the following error ā€œParse error: syntax error, unexpected ā€˜/ā€™ in /virtual/users/e16559-17849/web/jpgraph-3.5.0b1/src/ on line 39ā€ I did edit the graphsconf.php file and the file. My hard path is ā€œ/virtual/users/e16559-17849/web/jpgraph-3.5.0b1/ttf/ā€. Could someone please give me a suggestion on what I need to do to correct my issue.

$hostloc = ā€œ${WEBROOT}/ā€; //must have trailing slash
$jploc = ā€œ${WEBROOT}/jpgraph-3.5.0b1/src/ā€; //must have trailing slash

// define(ā€˜CACHE_DIRā€™,ā€˜/tmp/jpgraph_cache/ā€™);
// define(ā€˜MBTTF_DIRā€™,ā€™/usr/share/fonts/TrueType/');

Thank you in advanceā€¦
