How to change weather icons from WD to Vantage Pro2 station icons on main screen


How to change weather icons from WD to Vantage Pro2 station icons on main screen and forecaststationicon.gif?

Thank you kindly for any advice.

Scirocco :slight_smile:

control panel
summary image and icon setup
forecast icon setup area
set to use the forecast icon from the station

also make sure not set to use icon from input daily weather

Hi Brian,

Thank you for your reply.
Where can I see that option (“also make sure not set to use icon from input daily weather”)?


under input daily weather, select main screen icon

Ahh, yes, the input daily weather is unticked.

But your suggestion doesn’t work. When I tick “use the forecast icon from the station” it shows the forecast from the station on the main screen and the current weather as forecasticonstation.gif (which I have set up on my website to show the forecast of our town).
I already reported that as a bug, but did not hear back from you.

I hope you can fix that?
Thanks again.


have you waited for the forecasticonstation.gif to be updated?
I do not know of anyone else reporting a problem with that

I give you an example:
The station’s forecast icon (the icon on the station) shows rain. It is not raining at that moment. After the next upload it shows the rain icon on the main screen and the forecasticonstation.gif shows cloudy.
If I didn’t make myself clear, please let me know.
Basically the forecasticonstation.gif should be the main screen icon and visa verca.

Thanks again.


the forecasticon.gif is correct though, yes?

I have been able to duplicate the problem with the forecasticonstation.gif

Hi Brian,

Thank you and I’m glad I’m not the only one with the same problem. But I guess I see that here more frequently in this tropical country (it is wet season and rains frequently at the moment).
Can you tell me what the forecasticon.gif shows? Is it the WD program’s station’s forecast icon?
I’m not sure if that is correct. But it is different to the forecasticonstation.gif.


Do you also see that the Live ticker shows on the main screen despite it is not ticked in Control Panel>Summery Images & Icons>Davis VP Forecast Setup? That shows here on the main screen.

Check out: Cumbuco Weather - Cumbuco Brazil - Fortaleza Weather
Live Ticker is un-ticked.

use a new .zip update, ready now, to fix icon
(I do not have the ticker showing problem though)

Done, thank you.
The Indoor Temp. and Indoor Hum. are missing on the uploaded index.gif (both in the graphs and in the Current Conditions). Here is a screenshot of the main screen and that’s what it should look like. Live Ticker is still there.

you will have set to not show indoor temp/hum on the web in control panel, webfiles/web page setup
I do not have the problem of the ticker showing here in, in testing
but does it show up after a screen shot update?

Done that, now it works.

Yes, that is correct.

use another .zip update re the vp ticker issue after screen shot update

Thank you, the ticker is gone too, but there is no icon anymore. Shouldn’t there be the current weather icon from WD on the uploaded screenshot? The icon is on the main screen but not on the uploaded website.

Under “Display Settings” the setting ‘Show the icon on the main screen’ is unticked.

but you should have that ticked
(there has been no other changes to the code)

Yes, it was ticked before. But as I said in the beginning, shouldn’t on the main screen the current conditions icon? That shows on the main screen but when a screenshot is uploaded, that is blank and there is no icon anymore.