A screen capture will often save much explanation of a problem. If you have Vista or Windows 7 then you can use the included Snipping Tool to create one, but here is a simple procedure that works on a earlier versions of Windows which don’t have a screen capture program installed:
Step 1. Make the screen/window you want to grab the active one, usually this means clicking on it so that the border is highlighted.
Step 2. Press Alt-PrtScreen buttons at the same time.
Step 3. Open Paint program (Usually found under Start > All Programs > Accessories)
Step 4. From Paint program, select Edit → Paste
Step 5. Select save-as and then name the file as desired and select GIF for the type.
In the forum posting screen select “Additional Options” and attach the file. Note that you cannot use Preview if a file has been attached, just go ahead and post and use the Modify function afterwards to fix any errors.
Thanks to NorCal Dan for this FAQ suggestion.