what directory are you extracting to?
it needs to be your home directory
also check the file properties of the weatherd.exe file…it needs to be a exectuable
also, which linux OS version are you using
also, try running the start command in a command window, as it will then show the error message…
In addition, one item to remember, Linux is case sensitive. When I start wdisplay, i utilize the following command from the command prompt at my home directory.
cd wdisplay (this is the directory in which wdisplay is installed)
sh GoWeather.sh ( this is the shell script that actually starts the program.
the [code:1]cd /home/user/wdisplay[/code:1] has to be seperate from [code:1]./GoWeather.sh [/code:1]
and make sure when you extract the weatherdlinux.zip make sure you are extracting the weatherD to the /widisplay directory, not what you get when you extract (the weatherD will be in the folder)
from there you can see the link to the main setup files you need to install
and then there is a link to the latest zip of just the executable main file WeatherD
which you can unzip to where you have weather display installed already (from the setup files (the .tar file)…and make sure to set the permission of the WeatherD file to executable
i have just installed linux on a new drive
at first wd would not run
but i have to set the GoWeather.sh to be a exutable file…via its properities
try that
also, note that everthing is case sensitive in linux too
i.e it needs to be
I open the Terminal and change to the direcrory where WD is extracted (I see it when I’m opening sth like the explorer in windows) to type the following command [code:1]./GoWeather[/code:1]
But nothin happens…
[code:1]default@linux:~/wdisplay> ./GoWeather.sh
Exception EInOutError in module WeatherD at 085421A7.
I/O error 103.[/code:1]
and the Window closes before I see WD loaded full…
I get nearer and I’m looking foerward that WD runs soon on LINUX
you should be able to from the X windows, from the directory window where WD is installed, to then right mouse click, and select, open terminal here
but also try adding .sh to the end of the that file
also check the permissions on that GoWeather file are set to executable (right mouse click on that file from within linux)
but you should actualy be able to just double click that file from the folder from within x windows
the above works on a new linux installation I setup
also doubel check that you have the installation as root/home/(your login name)/wdisplay
you dont normaly see the root directory though unless you forcedly go back in the directory to see that
[code:1]default@linux:~/wdisplay> ./GoWeather.sh
Exception EInOutError in module WeatherD at 085421A7.
I/O error 103.[/code:1]
and the Window closes before I see WD loaded full…
I get nearer and I’m looking forward that WD runs soon on LINUX
that sounds like there are still permission problems on the file in that folder, i.e that they cant be writen to
go back down a directory
then highlight the wdisplay folder, then right mouse click, then properties, then permissions, then tick write, read, and set the owner to your name, and tick apply to all subdirectories and folders…