Fresh WDL stuck on "collecting data"

WD is uploading data to my website but this morning, FreshWDL is stuck on the “collecting data screen”.

Due to???

Your page looks OK here. Try ctrl-F5?

I’ve seen reports of something similar; see

ctrl-f5 did not help.

you may need to look at the main site:

to see if the time of upload is comparable.

Multiple computers here having the same problem.

Your page OK here in Edge and Chrome, updated every 30 secs approx. Here’s a screenshot I just took.

I presume that means local access to Yerren’s servers is compromised.

Okay, disconnected my VPN and reconnected and now I see it.

Might be worth checking you have the latest html, I only recently noticed that Yerren had moved everything to

Might be worth checking you have the latest html, I only recently noticed that Yerren had moved everything to

Not sure about “everything” but mine from 3/2021 has most of the links to that site.

All the links are now to yerren/FreshWDL CDN by jsDelivr - A free, fast, and reliable Open Source CDN

All the links are now to

The last on the download page is dated 3/20/2021. March 20, 2021.

All the links are now to

Thanks for that. Looks like I implemented FreshWDL just before he changed the script and I forgot to look at it later.

Yeah, I followed the instructions here, which worked OK, but I only recently realised that everything had been moved. . .

I have the same problem & have checked all the issues in later posts but to no avail ( Interestingly one of my PCs had had a tab running wdl for a few weeks and was updating OK but as soon as I reloaded the page it went to “collecting data” so something changed in the last few days. Clientraw.txt is updating OK as my Weather Watch app on my phone which collects data from clientraw.txt is working fine


Ah - so it’s not just me…

I’d be looking at your config file.

thanks, with your help i found it

. . . but still not working here

Likely because…

customBaseURL = "

…but the site is

Good catch. I didn’t get that far.

Thanks everybody, somehow i ended up with cross site domain error. Changed URLs to match. One link was to the site with www the other without and it didn’t like it.

in action at