Fresh WDL stuck on "collecting data"

Thanks everybody, somehow i ended up with cross site domain error. Changed URLs to match. One link was to the site with www the other without and it didn’t like it.

in action at

I was looking at the URL in your signature and choosing Current Conditions. . . FreshWDL is still not working there.

Nor is the website URL under your picture.

Is there something amiss with FreshWDL?

I have two sites - one is stuck ‘collecting data’

The other is loading but something is not quite right, the 31 day rainfall graph is showing the last 7 days

A few other random ones I’ve tried are the same.

Mine is like that, too. . . in fact, all the 31-day graphs are wrong.

I notice the version is now I have a local version on my website that is and the rain is ok for 31 day FreshWDL had not got round to looking if it need updating

Hi all, thanks for bringing this to my attention!

If it’s not loading, try pressing Ctrl+F5. on the page.
As for the 31 day graphs… I have no idea how that happened, but I will take a look at it when I get the chance!

I copied the FreshWDLmaster from the site that was mostly working (Oranmore) to the stalled one (Roscrea), edited the site name and it’s loading now.

Of course I have no idea what happened :grinning:

I wasn’t at it. Noticed yesterday afternoon IST

Looks like I’m stuck on “Collecting Data” as well.
I see there’s a new js_bundles directory on github. Do I need to install the new files from that location to my PC?

Looking at yours suggests it has stalled after collecting data the rain graph suggests it’s looking at yerren main web address for some of its files rather than your jsbundle folder just checked my local config on main site and it’s ok see my last post for link

Hi all,

Apologies for the issues / outages, but all fixes should be pushed through to the server now. If you’re still having issues, it’s probably because your browser cached some of the old files. Hit Ctrl+F5 on the webpage, and it should work (showing version, and the 31 day graphs should be back in action).

both normal versions working for me and have updated the local js_bundle folder as well thanks Yerren

Still not working, even after trying to clear the cache with Ctrl+F5. It shows FreshWDL - Version: Alpha. Willowsford Farm - Live Data (

Maybe you didn’t download the latest js_bundle?

Looking at your site, you have the globals.js file downloaded locally, but the other .js files being fetched from the server. This is causing issues. If you want to host everything locally, please download all the .js files. Otherwise, fetch globals.js from the server like the rest of them.

If I recall, I downloaded globals.js shortly after I installed FreshWDL so that I could change some colors locally. It had been working properly without downloading the other .js files until now. I’ll download all the .js files and give that a try.

Thanks for letting me know how to fix the issue!

You’re welcome! You will also need to update the globals.js file for it to work. I’d suggest copying any changes you made to colours, and pasting them over the new globals.js file.
Alternatively, the changes made to globals.js that would have messed with things can be seen here: Added option to hide buttons · Yerren/FreshWDL@d299c56 · GitHub, so you could manually add those in… but that seems more finicky than just pasting your colour changes back in.


I must have done something incorrectly. I downloaded all of the .js files to my server and changed the paths in FreshWDLmaster.html (see attached .txt file) to point to the locations on my server. I’m not sure I downloaded them correctly. In Edge, I clicked “Go to file” and then right-clicked the file to download, then selected “Save link as”. I there another way to download the files?

Any suggestions?


FreshWDLmaster.txt (2.9 KB)

EDIT: I decided to download the .zip file from WD Downloads page and overwrite the config.js and FreshWDLmaster.html on my server. Seems to be working now.

I used the code button then download zip it has all the files
In your html you have of link in your links to your js_bundle folder if it is in the same folder as the html then ./js_bundle/rest of link should work instead and be less strain on your bandwidth
I have both versions here normal
And local

I also run both on my synology

Well that’s odd. Yesterday when I clicked the green Code button, I don’t recall seeing a link to “Download zip”. I thought clicking Code took me to a page with each file listed in blue text. Bizarre. Maybe I’m going crazy. Well, I just downloaded the zip file, but since I reinstalled the files from WD, FreshWDL is working fine. When I have time, I might try again to point to the files in js_bundle on my Synology just to see if I can get it to work. Not a bandwidth issue since I have 1Gbps service and generally have 950Mbps up and down.

On my local webserver (windows and xampp) i will use FreshWDL… But i’m only seeing the start screen and not the website…

/*jslint plusplus: true, sloppy: true, indent: 4 */

//Ajust these values to your liking.
var clientRawName = "clientraw.txt", //The names of your clientraw files
    clientRawExtraName = "clientrawextra.txt",
    clientRawHourName = "clientrawhour.txt",
    clientRawDailyName = "clientrawdaily.txt",
    customBaseURL = ../wdisplay/webfiles/, // OPTIONAL: Set the path to where your clientraw files are uploaded e.g., 

Website and weather-display running on the samen computer.