DAVIS VP users, I need someone to help me

I have it reported that the download at start up has problems, and I need someone to help me debug it (as the station I had here my dad now has)
if someone could download and run this program, when there is say 10 minutes of downtime:
(i.e unzip to where WD is)
then under view, program error log, copy and past what appears there in an email to me ([email protected])

I emailed the log, it’s not exciting, just a number of lines of;

raw et= 0.0mm, raw uv =0.0

it should produce afile, called

i need that file
soory for the confusion :slight_smile:


thanks, i have a couple of files now

now, just a thought for those where its not downloading:
if you have now changed from or into daylight saving, you will need to change the time on the VP console as well

good news
i have fixed the bug with the extra temp/hum not updating on the extra sensor graph (and the extra sensor temp/hum values not being correct)
, and the solar reading not updating correctly on the solar/uv extra sensor graph
and if people could check the time on their VP data loggers too after daylight saving changes around the world…

so, a new 9.94d is uploading now
but its bed time for me…so keep an eye on the file time stamp then download the new one

so hopefully this will be this old bug fixed
( i have been fixing lots of old bugs lately)


sorry, but for me it didn`t change…

Still the gap in the data, still extra temp max 255.


to precise it,

on the VP extra temp/hum sensors page the values are ok now!
No more 255.

But on the auto scale there is no news.

ANd on the solar graph, the daily ET goes to zero, the solar has too high glitches (1450 W, but the theoretically high is only at about 500)

ok, the fact there is no 255 for the daily hi/lo vp extra temp means I have that fixed
i just need to look into the saving of that data to the file for the autoscale graph
what about the extra sensor real time graph…it should plot that oK

re solar:
if you could do another run with the davis.zip test program and get me a new file with about 10 minutes of data and write down and let me know what the actual solar radiation reading is

Did it!

But the davis.zip is an older version than the new 9.44d!


While we are fixing things, the E.T. graph on the UV/Solar graph does not work correctly. If I set it to use WD’s E.T., I get E.T. graphs with holes in the middle at times and strange readings at night. If I set it to use the Vantage Pro Plus data, then I get a graph that is almost flatline the entire day (it has no vertical resolution to it. In neither case, is the units for E.T. on the right of the graph correct. Also, it would be nice to be able to see both the instantaneous E.T. for the moment and the total E.T. for the day on both the graph and the Index display.


i’m with you Tcimpidis the ET is driving me crazy !!
Have you tried not using wd for a day, to see if it makes any difference ( not viewing VP graph ) also not rebooting computer ??
Just a suggestion


the et not plotting correct using the VP data means I am not using the correct data position
but if you could get the raw live data to be saved to a file, then I can look into that
(i.e under setup, general and misc, raw ultimeter data logging: turn that on, then the raw data goes to a file called rawultimeterdata.txt
along with the current UV and solar readings

as far as plotting ET calculated by WD, thats working OK for me…
except for after restarting WD…it suddenly jumps down like a big step
i have not yet been able to figure out why it does that
also, at midnight, it gets reset…but the value from then on is still based on the previous 24 hours, which includes 12 hours of day time…so it does not startagain at zero
you need to understand this

but if WD is driving you crazy, then maybe you should use something else.

I was refering to ET and not WD as driving me crazy, but i think its the drought here and water restriction :cry: our main water supply is approaching 30% :cry:
I will assist with the rawultimeterdata.txt

Good Luck

its starting to drizzle !!!
First precipitation in over 75 days !!


i will work with you on it
its just that i sometimes get rude and angry emails etc from people, and more and more i am now on the defensive (its only a hobby in my spare time!)

yes, I see there is a very large tropical low near new caledonia, and a good NE airstream onto queensland…
an early taste of summer…
this low might hit us…

my WD calc. ET real time graph
(i.e the VP uv/solar/et graph, but using a weatherhawk station and not a VP)

looks good

Ooh, how much of that could I have with my setup Brian? :slight_smile:

I’m constantly like a kid with a new toy with all these new things lol :slight_smile:

whats yours look like?
(like 2 kids comparing notes ,LOL)

LOL so true :slight_smile: mine won’t let me near VP graphs without one i guess…