Cloud Height Graphic v2.1

I had noticed that the moon phase had not changed in a few days. Looking at all your graphics, none of yours are correct either. The moon is 92% and all our graphics are showing about 50%. Mine has been on this for a few days now. Might be a bug in the script?

i noticed that too the other day. The option to show the moon phase in the script doesnt seem to work correctly.

Well I did some looking around and made a discovery. I found that Bashy at Northants Weather has a cloud height graphic that the moon phase is correct. So looking back at this thread, Meerkat had attached updates to his posts as he changes the script. Looking at the cloud-base.php in this file posted here - There is major differences in how the moon phase is calculated. I uploaded it to my site as and the moon phase is correct compared to Obviously you will need to check the links at night CST.

It is getting late and I have to go back to work tomorrow after a 11 day holiday, so I need to sleep. I will look into it further tomorrow.

Ivefound some stuff like that too with this script. i dont think the main download on the first post of this thread is the latest update of the script.

Good catch on finding the missing link on the moon phase problem.

What is the LATEST version number/ Date edited so I can make sure I have the latest and greatest. Currently I am using 07 May 2009 V1.9. Is there a newer version?

I think theres been mods. made to the script and the version number didnt change. I think thats what is making it hard to find out what is the latest released version of it. If you look at all the posts in this thread, theres been alot of updates to it and posted in that post only. Thats why i think the first post in the thread isnt the latest, even thought the version number is the lastest.

The problem with the Moon Phase has been fixed.
The Moon Phase tables were wrong after the BLUE MOON on 31st Dec 2009.

Download Version 2.0 here: [color=blue]Cloud Height Graphic[/color]

If you downloaded my version of the ajaxWDwx.js file then you also need to update this as well.
It’s available on the same page.

Thanks for the fix.

Those running PHP 4 on their servers will have a problem with the idate function as it does not exist in PHP 4.
I’ve added the idate function in the latest version if the script runs on a PHP 4 server.

I guess this problem would happen only once in a blue moon. :lol:
Thanks for the fix.

I do not know if I fully understand. In my case, updated to version 2.0 did not change anything.
It is true that I am working on alternate dashboard, and I thought it was one of the errors that I need to fine-tune. But out of curiosity I ran the 2.0 version and the previous version, both show the same moon.
But the moon is different from that which seems to be correct in
is it just my problem?
how to improve it?


Andretti, you’re still running the old Version 1.9 … see here:

Scroll down to view the $version … it’s still 1.9;

Ehhhhhh #-o
thanks … I do not know how I did it. I am convinced that to update it several times on the server. Why not write a script that I do not know. Now I can already see that it is good.
Sorry for the confusion :oops:
and thank you for opening my eyes 8O


In your ajaxWDwx.js file you note if we wish to use the new thermomenter we need to get the newest thermometer.php file form your site. I cannot seem to locate that script/image for download. Can you assist here?

The Gradient Thermometer is available here:


Thanks a lot!

Latest version of Gradient Thermometer with transparency and tick mark colors available here:

Thanks a bunch. Retrieved, and now in operation.

I have placed a link to your site on my links page. I sent confirmation of that some time ago when 1st installed the cloud graphic but do not see my listing on the DL page on your site as a user.

Done :smiley:

OK, thanks! One last question for you and htis a bit more involced.

When using your ajaxWDwx.js file everything worked EXCEPT the main temperature display (the one near the thermomenter). It never updated at all for over 2 hours, even though the gizmo and other places throughout my site updated fine. The display never flashed as it is supposed to on updates either.

In order to keep the site correct I had to reload my original ajaxWDwx.js file. I see no ill effects and everything seems to be operating correctly.

Can you advise why the Main Temp display quit updating?