Cloud Height Graphic v2.1

It’s because I don’t have a “ajaxtempcolor” tag … only a “ajaxtemp” tag.
Will have to work on that one.

Fair enough. When you get done editing/coding/creating the necessary portion please advise and will update as required.

Ok it’s done.
You can download Version 9.02 here: ajaxWDwx.js

1&1 here as well. Like niko said, they want to see “php5” as the extension with their default setup.

“cloud-base.php” needs to be changed to “cloud-base.php5”. In the “ajax-dashboard.php” used with the alternate dashboard, if you go down a bit in the file to where you find “Display Cloud Height Graphic from Bashewa Weather” you’ll see a call to the cloud-base.php file inside an img src tag. Add the 5 to that as well, save, upload, and you’ll have your cloud base graphic.

I found your post looking for my idate problem as well. Niko jogged my memory about 1&1’s php default.

EDIT: Sorry - forgot the “ajaxWDwx.js” change as well. Towards the bottom of the file you’ll find another “cloud-base.php” reference to change to “…php5”

Awesome! I cannot upload or change anything from work so it will have to wait till tonight when I get home.

Thanks again!


Well, still no good unless I missed adding a 5 somewhere #-o

I’ll keep working on it.

I did have one problem with a hidden txt extension being added after the “php5”. I forgot about not using notepad. I usually use WordPad and “Wise” it over or RapidPHP directly. I caught it when I looked at the dir on the 1&1 server and found it as “cloud-base.php5.txt”. Now THAT deserves a couple of #-o #-o #-o

I think those were the only references I found but they were the only ones I changed in order to get it to display the graphic. I also think I was confirming the php5 being accessed by right-clicking into ‘Properties’ from where it should be displayed. Doing the .js file is what made it “stick”.

There’s a new version for ajaxWDwx.js:
Download Version 9.02

Hi, What does the new version include please? cause i have a modified ajaxWDwx and will need to add it manually

Lots has changed … best is you start from scratch.
The settings have been improved and icons are easier to set up now.

Oh, just noticed as well its v9.02 and mine i think is 2.16, well thats how far the history in the file goes up to, i dont actually see a version number, I think i best get my compare program installed again lol

I changed the version number so my changes do not clash with other developers versions.
When I find their versions I’ll add their changes to my version and give them credit.
I hope I can keep the 9.00 to 9.99 version range for my changes only.

Ah, ok i understand, Well like you said there was too many changes looking at the compare program so i renamed my original and edited my additions then uploaded yours and all seems well so far, thank you!

I hope I’ve got the SETTINGS section sorted out.
In future when any changes are made to the body you can just cut your old SETTINGS and paste them into the new version.

I have been thinking of putting the SETTINGS in ajaxWDwx-settings.js so that one would not have to redo the settings every time a new version is released. But that would mean that the following line has to be added to top.php (in that order):

I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.
What do you think?

Hi, im not too sure to be honest, whatever you thinks best, but after i said it worked ok, i got up this morning and my images were missing and some text was misaligned so i have had to go back to my original version until i can take a good look at whats going on…

Thinking about it, perhaps a separate file would be better, well for me anyway lol

Ok, I have succeeded in creating an external settings file for ajaxWDwx.js.
See this post for more info: [color=blue]Alternative ajaxWDwx.js Script v 9.05[/color]

Hello everybody !

I have a question - could I use this cloudbase script without any datafiles from any weather station?

I builded my own weather station with 1-wire devices, and I want to place on HTML page information about cloud base ?
Can I use only METAR id to show cloud base ?


I’ve pulled out just about every hair I have left in my head trying to get the script to work and it just won’t do it. I am now getting this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: idate() in /homepages/45/d294777042/htdocs/cloud-base.php on line 1376

When I go to

In the dashboard it shows the cloud height but the image never loads and it winds up stretching the dashboard. You can see it here:

I have the images in a folder called “images” directly off the root: ./images/cb/

I thought I edited the PHP files that were needed correctly but perhaps not obviously :frowning:

Would anybody mind pointing me to a walkthrough for the install or perhaps help me figure out what it is I am doing wrong. I’m not a coding genius and as such I have to muddle and plow my way through this.

Thanks in advance!


the cloud-base.php file needs to be renamed to cloud-base.php5 for our 1&1 hoster. You can see in the error that it’s not.

the idate() error is from the the idate function being a php5 function.

Send me those files that I mentioned if you want and I’ll change them for you and send them back to you.

There’s something wrong with your server.
When I rename the script to .php5 the server rewrites it to .php … see here:

Find the following function in cloud-base.php near the bottom (I don’t know why this does not kick in on php4):

if (!function_exists("idate")) {
   function idate($format, $timestamp) {
      return date($format, $timestamp);

… and change it to:

function idate($format, $timestamp) {
    return date($format, $timestamp);