Look for this in the cloud-base.php
// Add cloud conditions text
if ($showCaption && !empty($clouds["cap"])) {
$txtC = $clouds["cap"];
$font = 3;
$sizC = strlen($txtC)*imagefontwidth($font);
if ($sizC > 94) {
$font = 1;
$sizC = strlen($txtC)*imagefontwidth($font);
if (($showTemp || $showHumidity || $showBaro) && $sizC > 70) $font=1;
if (!$showTemp && !$showHumidity && !$showBaro) $Y=184; else $Y=174;
if (!$showTemp && !$showHumidity && !$showBaro) $col=$white; else $col=$yellow;
imagestring ( $slate,$font, 3, $Y, $txtC, $col);
change $col=$white to any other color you like like red, blue, yellow, green, gray etc… the same goes for the wind direction font if you need to change them…
IIRC you would also need to be sure the color is defined in the color definitions section, or add it.
Thank you guys very much!
Much better!
Hi all,
Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong please. I get a blue background with the message that the client raw file is not available. I do not want it set up for metar but I would like to go with WD instead. The way it is configured now is the only way I get a graphic showing. I am using the last version of Scott’s dashboard. Thanks for any help.
Hi all,
I have a problem with the script. PHP returns:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: idate() in /homepages…/cloud-base.php on line 1376
I don’t know, what that means. Do you have any suggestions for me?
As some of you might know I am working to get all my icons, graphics and condition words to agree. The last issue that I have is with the cloud height banner. (now I tampered with the code so I am sure the original warranty is voided :)) The graphic works well for day/night, cloud condition, moon phase, and wind sock. But it never shows any rain.
It does show when tested
but is has been raining here all day and no rain on the banner. Where is it looking for this information? The Metar, Testtags, or clientraw?
After a couple of months of trying to get this script to work, I decided to try it again. Was having the same problem this time, as last time. I couldn’t get the graphic to show up. Permissions were correct, and was still confused. So I looked at Chucks code that he is using and decided to try his for the hect of it. And what do you know, It works now…lol So I’m not sure what the exact difference is with the script on the download page and Chucks, But Chucks Seemed to work for me. Thanks.
I have been running the Cloud Base Script that is included in Scott’s ALT Dashboard which he released several months ago but have recently noticed that the image is not there at night. Works fine during the day but disappears after dark.
I don’t think this problem occurred until recently since I have had it running for several months and didn’t notice the problem until the last week.
Any ideas what may be going on here? Using KCRE Metar for data; have re-uploaded the images to be sure I have all the images uploaded correctly.
Posted first on the ALT Dashboard Thread and Scott replied but don’t think he has an answer as to why this problem is occurring.
Since its working during the day, will probably have to wait for night to try and fix it since you wont notice any changes trying to fix it during the day.
Thanks Mark for your reply.
I just went back over the cloud-base script and completely redid the settings and as we have just hit darkness (EDT) the script is now showing. Must have had a setting that was causing a conflict at some point. Still have some issues with some unwanted characters showing up (ex. 53°) and will have to troubleshoot that but the initial problem has been RESOLVED!! (I think: LOL)
Thats good. My problem was odd too… The download script on this thread didnt work for me, but Chucks did for me. i think this script has a mind of its own…lol
Something is weird here also. My banner has been working great, but the past few nights the moon phase has been off. It is a blue moon tonight and the banner is showing first quarter. :? I think I will wait a few days to see if it fixes its self.
Happy New Year everybody!
I installed the Alt. dashboard and all seems well except with the Cloud Height graphic. I’m not exactly a coding wiz although I seem to have my site up and running pretty well. I cannot seem to get the graphic to load. It gives me the height but no image. I have the images in a folder root/images which is were I think they should be unless I’m wrong. I have the PHP script installed to my root directory which I don’t know if that is the correct place for it.
Is there a detailed installation thread or a set of instructions for someone who is not code savvy?
ANY help would be greatly appreciated.
I have and I cannot figure it out. The page loads when I go to the index.html …making me crazy. I also cannot figure out why only 2 of the 28 active stations I added are not showing up #-o
If I’m not mistaken it’s PHP 5 . 1&1 is my hoster. I need to double check that.
Here is lines 1376-1381.
Does it look like anything is out of place?
if ($hh==0) $hh=idate(“H”);
if ($mm==0) $mm=idate(“i”);
if ($ss==0) $ss=idate(“s”);
if ($MM==0) $MM=idate(“m”);
if ($DD==0) $DD=idate(“d”);
if ($YY==0) $YY=idate(“Y”);
If I recall correctly 1&1 defaults to using php4 (which doesn’t include the idate function = the error that’s showing) unless you change the script suffix to .php5 (which does have idate).
You can probably ask 1&1 to default your account to php5 which would make life easier.