Average wind 2min is it possible to have it?

Good morning.
New to the forum, I hope to post in the right place.

I am French (I use the translation for help). I have a Davis Vantage Pro 2 station, as well as a Gill Windsonic option 2 anemometer, all installed at the top of a 13m pylon.
My question is, is it possible with Weatherdisplay to have the 2min average wind for real time with clientraw? Here in France, it is more relevant to use the average wind 2min and 10min…

Thank you for your feedback!

Welcome to the forum. :smiley:
I can’t see anywhere to set for a 2 minute average in Weather Display.
There is a tag in the taglist.txt file for 2 minute average in MPH:
%2minavspeedmph%…Average 2 minute speed in mph

I don’t think Brian will add anything to clientraw.txt because it is used by so many people and has become a standard data file.

As @Budgie says, you could always upload the %2minavspeedmph% tag value and use that.

Thank you for your feedback. So there would indeed be a 2 min average wind beacon? Where can I find it?

I specify that for my real-time weather page, I use the AjaxWDws.js file.

AjaxWDwx.js reads a clientraw array to produce the variables, e.g.

var wind = convertWind(clientraw[2]);

I think you would have to:

  1. Create a customtext.txt file containing the %2minavspeedmph% tag in wdisplay\webfiles;
  2. Upload the resulting customtextout.txt file to the same location as clientraw.txt;
  3. Arrange for AjaxWDwx.js to read the customtextout file; and
  4. Create the variable you want, remembering that the value is in mph, not knots.

Somebody please correct me if I am wrong!

P.S. What is the URL for your weather page?

If you are using testtags.txt to convert to testtags.php then you can simply add %2minavspeedmph%…Average 2 minute speed in mph to the testtags.txt file and it will upload it with the rest of the data.

To add it to your page you will need something like:

<td class="data1" nowrap="nowrap" style="text-align: right;">
<span class="ajax" id="2minavspeedmph">
<?php echo $uomWind; ?></span>

This code is an example. :wink:

I thought about that but I only upload testtags every 5 mins for my Saratoga page, and OP seems to want it “live”?

I really use the base for performing live.
The clientraw is based on the AjaxWDws.js file and powers my html page. You will see on my page that the average sale is 1min and 10min since these are the tags existing in Ajax. I would like to replace the 1min with 2min of average wind.

You can not do that in clientraw.

Good morning.
Yes if I understand correctly, impossible with clientraw (and therefore realtime) because it does not contain this 2 min average wind data. Does the Weatherdisplay contain this 2 min average wind value? Not sure either.

It does, but only by using the tag 2minavspeedmph, but I think I may have found a way to use that tag in realtime.

Go to Control Panel > Web Files/Web Page Real Time FTP/WDL > Real Time Client FTP.
In the bottom right of the window is an option to create & upload a Custom Client Raw File.

For this you will need to find a file called “customclientrawlocal.txt” which is in the WD > Webfiles folder.
Open the file an text editor and alter the content to include any tags you want to use, but remember to keep the format.

Once the alterations have been saved, tick the box to create & upload the customclientraw.txt file to your website.

Thank you for your various feedback. I’ll see if I can do anything. This beacon is in MPH but I am in km/h…

You need to convert the mph value by either multiplying it by 1.609344 or dividing by 0.621371 to get kmh
So you will need to add that in to the code that is trying to get that value to convert it the kmh

I can’t find this file customclientrawlocal.txt it is not present in the folder. And when I check in the menu, it doesn’t get created. I admit it’s not easy for me.

Check in the main \wdisplay folder. When you have edited it, copy it to \wdisplay\webfiles folder and follow Budgie’s instructions to start the upload.

customclientrawlocal.txt (2.2 KB)
This I use with steel gauges so try adding your tag at the bottom and see if you get the value your looking for in mph

THANKS. I’ll try. Do you know what to check or activate in weatherdisplay to launch this customclientrawlocal?

Customclientraw file updates well and is sent to my FTP. But the tag doesn’t work

Try putting it before “version”.

Indeed I saw that this tag is in the taglist.txt of the recent version of weatherdisplay. This would mean that the clientraw contains it with a recent version?