Average wind 2min is it possible to have it?

No, it will not be in clientraw.

I think the latest version for SS gauges is 14. . .

Oops uploaded version 12 instead of version 14

This is how I use mine then made another JS file to use it
customclientraw should be like this , add your values that you want.


Ok for the customclientraw thank you. But in the ajax.js file, how specific is it to fetch the customclientraw data? Like this line:
var clientrawFile = ‘…/wdl/clientraw.txt’; ?

Then how to configure the ajax.js so that it takes the data and converts the wind?

If you take a look at my test.js file, you can actually use it, just modify it for your path.

I also added some other values in my ajaxWDwx3live.js file to grab some extra values

It is fairly easy to add lines in my test.js file for the values needed.

What value do you want for the wind ?

MPH/MS etc.

This is my site


Not easy for me who is not experienced in coding.
If I understand correctly, to fetch the numbered values ​​(ex: [16] [2] [8] ect… you must first put in the customclientraw file the number of numbers that you will need? (ex : 12345) then put the tags one after the other and each tag will correspond to the numbers indicated before and in the ajax.js file you must indicate the desired number to display the value?

At home I have to use the km/h value. And I’m looking to replace the 1min average wind with the 2min average wind, but all this live with Realtime.

Example with one of my stations updated every 30 seconds:

You are just about right, I can add the lines of code you want into the test.js file.

I have modified the AjaxWdWX3live for some other values I wanted, But the test.js is the file that does most of the customclientraw file.

You are correct on the format, I can send you my customclientraw file, all you need to do is just add the tags you want in between the |

Example |%temp%|%dew%| etc leave the 12345 and the ending must be the same.

I added a definition at the bottom so I would know what tag number I needed in the test.js


customclientrawlocal.txt (770 Bytes)

Thank you for your feedback. It’s more on the script part of the Ajax file that I’m blocking… I tried yesterday to get Ajax to recover the data from customclientraw.txt but without success. Either I missed something in the path or maybe in the tag in the script, but I don’t really know how to do it.

Let me know what help you need with the coding and I can do it then send you the file.

Are you going to use my test.js for custom clientraw tags?

I am sending you my Ajax.js file which I renamed to .txt so I can send it. It’s already a little personalized. I would like to keep in shape, just be able to exploit the 2min average wind (%2minavspeedmph%) with the customclientraw and convert to km/h.

Currently, my Ajax.js file uses the clientraw.txt and allows me to have the average wind 1min but this would replace it with the average wind 2min.
I tested with your test.js file but it doesn’t work. I may have forgotten some steps.
ajaxWDwx1min.txt (29,1 Ko)

You will need to use my Test.js file, that reads the customclientraw file.

I did not add it into ajaxWDWX due to the fact it already reads 2 clientraw files clientraw and clientrawextra

All you need to do is include it in your HTML

Under the head

I can then ads the lines of code for what customtaghs you choose – or follow one of the ones I did

Adding it to ajaxwdwx could be done, but it would take a while to add the code, with test.js it is specific to the customtags so it makes troubleshooting easier, and easier to add or remove tags if changes are made

Here is the test.js at very bottom you can see where I am using customclientraw

Cust_ajaxLoader(CustclientrawFile + ‘?’ + new Date().getTime());


test.zip (2.6 KB)