APRS Reports not uploading automatically (2)

It seems that for the past 24 hours, the APRS reports have not been uploading automatically.

The new version of WD has a pull down menu for the APRS servers. Pick one and then tick the “Use this server”. Very nice addition to the program.

I did try using some of the other servers listed, but it is not updating automatically.

i changed/set to
tiicked “use this hub server instead”
and that is working for me
which vers of wd and which vers of ftpupd.exe ?

I am using WD version 10.19L and I’m not sure which version of FTP it is. The only thing I know is that it was modified on October 22. I changed to the server you recommended and it worked fine when I tested it. I’ll find out if it actually updates in a few minutes.


changed to the server you recommended and it worked fine when I tested it. I’ll find out if it actually updates in a few minutes.

should work ok
as long as you have the main aprs switch on, on the aprs setup page too?

It’s turned on, but it’s not updating. I have been checking the data at Weather Conditions At CW2340 and it is only showing an update when I manually do it. I have it configured to upload every 10 minutes, but as you can see it shows no update for over thirty minutes.

I found that this is true with mine. But I was on version n, so I went back to K and I “think” its working. I am going to go to sleep now and will check things out in the AM. I too had the problem with APRS, so I changed to the one you mentioned above. In fact it hadn’t changed for a full day. I wonder if their arpswest hub is down.

I also noticed weather underground as well as the other anything weather and … same there.

Now what I have been doing is downloading the zip file of the wd program only rather than the full load. Would that have something to do with the problem?

Actually the problem with mine started yesturday when I was still running 10.19, then I upgraded to see if the problem was fixed in the new version. Of course, I had the old server address in that version.

Your right aardvark, I downgraded to the previous version and its working again.

All of mine are updating here. CWOP/ARPS, Wunderground, AnythingWeather, Weatherforyou, all looks okay here…

Also, due to my satellite connection I cannot download directly from the d/l page. I use a link Brian setup that points to the full exe version. http://www.weather-display.com/downloadfiles/wdisplay32.exe

ahh, i have just checked and I am running a updated version of the ftpupd.exe program
i wonder if that is why?
so, uploading a new full 10.19n install…with that new ftpupd.exe program
see if that does the trick
(although you are saying manual works OK , but auto does not?)

All is working good for my since yesterday following Brian’s advice on which server to set.
Using 10.19L but not sure which version on FTP I have - how can I tell?

but not sure which version on FTP I have - how can I tell?
double the icon in the system tray or maximise from tray, to see the version number but , also, right mouse click on the file, ftpupd.exe, and checks its file create time/date

so why is it updating auto for some and not others?

others report manual is ok but auto is not…
strange…(try maybe setting a different time for auto, as a test)

Since I have my new cable connection, the FTP goes so fast I don’t have time to double click on it to watch it or see the version :smiley:

As for the created times:
Created on May 16 2004
Modified on Oct 22 2004

Like I said - all is working great with socal.aprs2.net and “use this hub server instead” checked.

Here’s a link from the APRS site with “news” - might shed a little light

Awake finally, if this is what awake is supposed to be, yawn… anyway things worked over night. Read post what Snowman wrote, that made sense, so I went to another aprs hub and that is fine. I think what I will do from now on is load the full version and go from there. The APRS was a hint , but the only thing that did upload was the wdlive stuff. I’ll download the full version and go from there from now on, so what is a few more seconds to load the whole taco.

i have an idea on how to get wd to do the roll over in this case (it was not like the hub was completly lost, and that was causing the prooblme i think). i will do some testing today (if that normal hub is still down)

I upgraded to 10.19n last night and let the program run over night. When I checked, the server had not received an update for over several hours. I downgraded back to 10.19 and tried again. It updated fine after that.

I just tried version O, but the report is still not being uploaded.