Hi Rainer,
You can add me to the list of successful users. v9.07 seems to be running just fine on my site: http://www.candscaron.com
However, I did struggle a bit at first. This may get a bit long, but here it goes… When I first started using the new script, I noticed the ‘updated xx secs ago’ just kept increasing and the moon image would not load. Using your debug tags, I saw that the script seem to get stuck at ‘in moon’ portion. I started debugging further and found that the following lines were causing the problem:
if (clientrawextra!=null) {
set_ajax_obs("ajaxsunrise" ,sunrise.date(uom.timeHM));
set_ajax_obs("ajaxsunset" ,sunset.date(uom.timeHM));
set_ajax_obs("ajaxmoonset" ,moonset.date(uom.timeHM));
If I commented the above lines out, the script ran fine. Next, I checked the sunrise, sunset, moonrise and moonset values. All four of the values were null. These values are calculated using the following: (showing sunrise only, the other 3 are built similarly):
sunrise = new Date( clientraw[141], clientraw[36]-1, clientraw[35], sunriseWD[0], sunriseWD[1], 0);
I checked my clientraw and clientextra files and I had values for all the above. I just could not figure out why no one else had an issue like mine. However, I finally noticed that MoonriseWD[1] and SunriseWD[1] had values like 56AM and 25PM. Yes, I had my Weather Display set to 12hr format. When the AM and PM values where put into the Date() function, the Date function failed to return a date. This caused my empty values for rise and set times. I changed WD to 24hr format , uncommented the previously commented lines, and the script ran without an issue.
If any one else is have a strange issue, you may want to check your Weather Display time format.
Otherwise, this is a great script and I really appreciate all your efforts in making the setup and configuration so easy.
Also, I did add one tag that I add to my prior version of ajaxWDWx.js. I using the 10minAvg wind speed on my dashborard. I added the following lines. Perhaps, you can add it to a future release:
// 10 minute average wind speed
wind10minavg = parseFloat(clientraw[158]).convertWind();
set_ajax_obs(“ajaxwind10minavg”, wind10minavg.toFixed(dp.Wind) +’ '+ uom.langWind);
–Steve in Southern California