Alternative ajaxWDwx.js Script v 9.14

i_fiorentino - Alessandro @ You need to upload v9.06 of ajaxWDwx.js to your server. You're still running a very old version of the script ... unless you have reverted back to the old version.

Hi Rainer,
I’ve reverted back the old version because the new version has the problem about rapid timeout.
Which is the error?
Best regards,


Hi Rainer
I’m getting confused now (doesn’t take much to confuse me!!) I now have the cloud graphic showing and the wind speed no longer says Km/h, however the conditions icon is not displaying and I’m not getting the “Refresh” notice.
Also I was going to implement the UOM feature but can’t find where to put the code on my Dashboard php file

Sorry to keep bothering you but I am on a steep learning curve here.

I don’t know what the error is yet.
Everything works fine on my site.

If you can keep your site up long enough with the new version then I can maybe find the problem.

Can you do that for me please?

Ok, you still have javascript errors.
You corrected everything back to “imageDir” … it should be “imgDir”.

magical46 - Phil @

Phil, download this file: [color=blue][/color]
… then rename it to “ajaxWDwx-settings.js”
… then upload it to your server.

I’ve done the settings for your site.
Things should work then.

Excellent, many thanks for your help :lol:

Great :smiley:
Just upload those “language-??.js” files as well seeing that you are using the Multilingual Templates.
I had to add more translations into them. They are included in the “” file you downloaded.

Version 9.07 Released

Version 9.07 - 13-Jan-2010 Added....... support to use English Windrose images only. Intended for Multilingual Systems that only have one set for all languages. Simplified.. the setup in the external settings file "[[color=blue]ajaxWDwx-settings.js[/color]](" even more. Your external settings file will now be compatible with all future versions of the script.

PS: I still have not figured out why some sites have a rapid ajax update cycle.
Here is a site that has implemented it successfully: [color=blue][/color]


Where is the link to download 9.07?

Several times you have said the external file will simplify updates. Could you please elaborate?


Always go back to the [color=blue]1st page[/color] of this tread for updates and full version history.

Simplified? Yeah, as people start implementing the script I see them struggling and then the ideas start flashing in my head.
I try to make it as simple as possible for people to implement … not easy!

Also, if you implement the “external setup” file then in future when new updates are available for the script you can just copy the new version to your server without having to re-setup everything as it has been in the past :smiley:

I hope that explains it.

Here are the sites that I’ve found so far who have successfully implemented this script:
[color=blue]Bronberg Weather[/color]
[color=blue]Weybourne Weather[/color]
[color=blue]Branford Weather Information Center[/color]

Is there anyone else I can add to this list?

The only thing I can see so far is that the sites which have the runaway ajax update are the ones
running “stat tracker.php” which I can’t see the javascript code of.

I have identified the 2 following sites with the tracker installed, both of which have the same symptoms:
[color=blue]Webster Weather[/color]
[color=blue]ASM Andretti - Zabrze Helenka[/color]

Can one or both of you disable your tracker for a moment and tell me if the problem persist please?
If my script does work without the tracker will you please be so kind and send me a copy of the tracker so I can investigate.


Hi Rainer
I have just updated to the latest version of the “alternative ajax dashboard” all is working well with the settings file you did for me earlier, however I have changed the UOM to “M” to show temp in “C” rain in “mm” and snow in “cm” but I want to show wind speed in mph, I have changed the wind under metric UOM to mph but the web site is still displaying Km/h ( except for month gust which says mph!).
Also where do I put the code to allow UOM switching in the dashboard I am using as I can’t find the same section as in the link to your dashboard php.

:oops: Just solved the wind speed problem, I hadn,t un commented the wind line in metric uom

Great to hear it’s working fine. I was seeing MPH here and thought you might have forgotten to press CTRL-F5 to refresh.

You can just replace the top row of the table in your ajax-dashboard.php with the code I’ve given on the 1st page (2nd code).
Just follow the instructions.

Are you sure you have uploaded the latest version?
Have you uploaded the packed file as I don’t see a version number in it which the latest version has like this:

/* ajaxWDwx.js v9.07 */
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c<a?‘’:e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c% …

Having one minor issue with time, it is 12 hours off. My ‘tz’ is set for ‘America/New_York’ in Settings.php and in my Ajax script. When the page first comes up, prior to the ajax update the time that appears is correct. Any suggestions?

Thx. Jack

Update…At 1:00pm today the time was ok. It looks as though even though it shows ‘pm’ it may in fact be am?

Hi Rainer,
now, it works ok!! :smiley:
First questions: I don’t manage to show my windrose except wr-calm.png (in FF, ok in IE7/8) and i don’t know why…could you give me an eye please?
Second: I’m very impressed from your moon icons in Almanac box of your ajax-dashboard but i don’t know how to show it in my dashboard too?
Third: The same thing about uv index icon in Uv index box.
Fourth: How to choise other icons-set in the new version of ajaxWDwx.js file? It’s not possible any choice now instead of previous version.
Thank you very much for your kind support,


Hello Rainer…

First thank you for ur hard work…

I just installed everything and followed ur instructions I believe very closely…I have a few problems…my clock in the ajax dashboard is 12 hours behind and my update XXX seconds ago statement just keeps counting rather than go back to 0 about every 4 seconds, it does go back to 0 when the whole page does a refresh.
The wx info and flash seem to be happening about every 6 seconds according to the dashboard clock, although I thought I had things set for 4 seconds. MY tz is america/new york and I should mention all worked OK prior.

I have implemented the external settings and made the changes to top.php…I have also implemented the packed version and again made my changes to top.php
I am not using UOM switching nor have I uploaded any of the icon folders to my server…

has to be some setting I’m missing…can u point me in the right direction…



Since this original post that I am now modifying, I notice the clock is now showing the right time (PM)…could it be that 12 noon shows as 00 rather than 12…my updated xxx seconds ago problem is still their…the counter just keeps counting, no refresh when the data refresh

Hi Rainer
I do not know whether it is exactly but I erase the codes:
google analytics - footer.php
google frends connect - top.php
WebSTAT - footer.php

<? php include_once ( "crtest.php")?> - from header.php

Unfortunately, nothing has changed
if I upgrade to version 9.07?
Does not matter in this case?


Hello @all

I firtst want to say thank you for the great script.

Now I tried to install it but I can’t get it to workl properly.

I tried to do that not on my home site but on a testsite.

If anone has a little bit time there’s no hurry, please have a look at



Hi Rainer
I have got the script working ok now with the Metric/English option showing. Like Alessandro above if I want to change to a different set of icons, current, wind rose moon or fire etc could you explain how to do it, I have tried but just get a box with a X in the corner.
I am using the "alternative dashboard " script from webster weather and I can’t find the Line to replace for the UOM switching so it looks like your example. I have attatched a text copy of the ajax-dashboard.php file.


ajax-dashboard.txt (88.2 KB)