Hi Zalmor,
No problem, I’ll make the changes and add those tags for you.
Everybody just hang ten … I’m busy simplifying the external setup at the moment.
Hi Zalmor,
No problem, I’ll make the changes and add those tags for you.
Everybody just hang ten … I’m busy simplifying the external setup at the moment.
Great, thanks.
The VPleaf only shows up on my weather page when its not zero here.
Hi Rainer,
thanks for your support, now it works fine!
I’ve some questions for you
Are you ready?? :lol:
How is it and when should you implement it in the future?
// D: Dynamic generated icon set (170x127) ... NOT IMPLEMENTED
// ... you'll need: http://www.bashewa.com/download-dynamic-icon.php
wxIconSetD =
{src : "./dynamic-icon.php" // path and script for dynamic conditions image (optional)
,width : 170 ,height: 127 ,hspace: 0 ,vspace: 0 ,border: 0
,style : "border: 2px solid silver;"
,align : ""
,useName: 9 // must be 9 for generating dynamic icons
wxIconSet = wxIconSet1; // choose from an icon set above that you want to use.
// If we had a uniform icon nameing convention the above would not be necessary.
Other question: why the images about “moon” and “Fire Risk” shows ok in my ajax-dashboard although the settings in ajaxWDwx-settings.js are wrong?
How to use this setting below? Because, actually, my webcam image works in the nightime too.
// WEBCAM IMAGE: optional setting for the webcam graphic
// tag: "ajaxwebcamimg"
// e.g. picture name: "./ajax-images/webcam/snap00.jpg"
webcamUpdate = 5; // Webcam update interval in minutes (set to 0 for no updates i.e. visitor must reload page for updates)
swapIconWithWebcam = false; // swap current conditions icon (tag "ajaxconditionicon2") with webcam image during day and night unless useCamAtNight=false;
useCamAtNight = true; // use current conditions icon at night time instead of webcam image
delayDayNight = 15; // day starts given minutes before sunrise and night starts given min after sunset - for night icon switch
webcamImg =
{src : imgDir+"webcam/snap00.jpg" // full path and image name of your current webcam picture
,srcNgt: imgDir+"webcam/snap00.jpg" // full path and image name of your current nightcam picture (after/before "delayDayNight")
,width : 170 ,height: 127 ,hspace: 0 ,vspace: 0 ,border: 0
,style : "border: 2px solid silver;"
,align : ""
Last question: In your version of ajaxWDwx.js severals value aren’t translation. How to fix it? (Look the attachment)
Last observation :lol:: The last version of ajaxWDwx.js is a bit more slow respecting the previously version 3.00.
Best regards,
Version 9.06 - 12-Jan-2010Fixed...... problem with incorrect language translations. Added...... modified "language-??.js" files to installation zip. Added...... tag "ajaxVPleaf" ... VP leaf wetness Added...... alert to your visitors if you have Weather Station problems. Simpilfied. the setup in the external settings file "ajaxWDwx-settings.js".
Zalmor - Michael:
I have added the Leaf Wetness tag.
I see what your problem is with the instuments freezing up …
I have added a section to the Setup to address this issue …
See “WxStation” variable in the Setup where you can report Weather Station problems to your visitors.
i_fiorentino - Alessandro
The “Dynamic Icon” is a future development which I’m making provision for so long.
If you only have one Webcam you can specify the same image for both sources in the setup.
The translation problem has been fixed … I also suggest you load the modified “language-??.js” file which I have included in the latest release.
The new script is enormous and takes time to download …
I suggest you implement the External Setup script with the packed version of ajaxWDwx.js script … see note on [color=blue]page 1[/color].
Also the script no longer supports ajaxLoaderInBody i.e. …
you need to remove all of those in your scripts.
Also the script can only start updating once your entire page has been loaded.
PS: Once you have uploaded the script make sure to hit CTRL-F5 otherwise your browser will use your old cached version.
Thanks Rainer,
i’ll try it tonight… (Italy time )
Best regards,
Hey, check this out
I've cut my "ajaxWDwx-settings.js" file down to just a few lines: [[color=blue]ajaxWDwx-settings-bws.js[/color]](http://www.bashewa.com/ajaxWDwx-settings-bws.js) ....... and I've implemented the packed version of "ajaxWDwx.js": [[color=blue]ajaxWDwx-packed.js[/color]](http://www.bashewa.com/ajaxWDwx-packed.js)
I’ve included my version of the cut down setup script in the latest release.
Notes can also be found in [color=blue]ajaxWDwx-settings.js[/color] on how to do this.
PS: Thanks everybody that took the plunge earlier on and for all the feedback that you’ve given me.
It’s helped me tremendously in getting the script to what it’s now … simple, robust and no more hassle when upgrading to new versions.
I am trying to install this I have most of it working but for some reason my wind speed is in Km/h when I have changed all the settings ( well obviously I’ve missed one somewhere) to mph.
Also my cloud height graphic was showing before the change to the new ajaxWDwx file and initially on the change over but it has dissapeared now.
Hi Rainer
I always try to keep up with changes, but the transition from version 9.05 to 9.06 failed.
Despite the careful changes step by step I spoiled anything
My party, right after the refresh goes to the “updates paused”
where he made a mistake?
I admit that due to poor knowledge of English, not all understand.
I do not know what to do with this, in my case:
For static field that don't have an "ajaxtag" you need to add one of the
following classes to your fields:
<span class="convTemp">82.7°F</span> ...for temp
<span class="convWind"> 2.7 mph</span> ...for wind
<span class="convBaro">30.30 inHg</span> ...for temp
<span class="convRain"> 1.04 in</span> ...for rain
<span class="convSnow"> 12.4 in</span> ...for snow
<span class="convAlti"> 2793 ft</span> ...for altitude
<span class="convDist"> 15 miles</span> ...for distance
NOTE: the value in the span must include the units-of-measure for them be converted.
You'll also need the modified "thermometer.php" script that supports UOM switching.
Get it here: http://discourse.weather-watch.com/t/44293
although I understand that this is the effect of changes units.
But mainly I want to restore the automatic refreshing of data on my index page
I noticed something that may identify the error.
If the settings file (ajaxWDwx-settings.js) is:
, maxupdates: 36
the word “updated” blinks a short moment and update time is paused.
When I changed:
, maxupdates: 360
the word “updated” winks much longer than in the previous case.
I do not know where this takes but I think it matters.
i have the same issue…i’ll try to do like you.
Best regards,
ie I am not alone with this problem
I think it is a minor bug in the conversion of refresh time.
but I do not know PHP to be able to find where it is.
If i changed maxupdate at 360 i saw that the “Update” word blink in green color much faster than normal but after 4/5 seconds the updates goes in pause.
Edit: If i use this script
<script type="text/javascript" src="ajaxWDwx-packed.js"></script>
, the thermometer and cloud-base images doesn’t show anymore. (Look the attachment please).
Best regards,
magical46 - Phil @ http://www.weybourneweather.co.uk/index.php
You have not uploaded your files to your server … I’m getting “File not found” … have a look here:
Let me know if you have more problems.
Andretti @ [b]http://www.andretti.pl/[/b]
I don’t know why your ajax update is so rapid … I’ll have to dig deeper into your code to see what’s wrong.
i_fiorentino - Alessandro @ http://www.meteocarmignano.it/
You need to upload v9.06 of ajaxWDwx.js to your server.
You’re still running a [color=blue]very old version[/color] of the script … unless you have reverted back to the old version.
magical46 - Phil @ http://www.weybourneweather.co.uk/index.php
Ok I see you’ve cracked it … look like it’s working fine.
Let me know if you’ve got any more problems or questions.
I did revert back to the oldversion while I tried to figure out what was wrong, I have now got the new version up and running but still with the same problems i.e. still saying Km/h instead of MPH and cloud height graphic not showing.
Here’s an interesting twist… When I upload your version 9.06 it will not work at all with my ajax-dashboard.php file but it does work with the hi/low/avg mod, though it does the same thing as the previous person noted with the rapid timeout. Any thoughts on why it won’t work at all on the main page?
I can’t see your ajax updating on my side. Neither can I see any javascript errors.
What is this line in your “index.php” file:
can you remove it seeing that the function does not exist in any of your scripts?
I see you’ve also got this:
what is this for?
Maybe this is where the clash is.
Removed the section, it’s used to refresh the cam image. Problem still there.
Hi Scott,
I get a javascript error here by me in your “index.php” as follows:
Error: holdUp is not defined.
Delete the “onload” function from your body tag.
Also your “wxhilowavg.php” does not have closing “” and an opening “” tags.
Place the following code to just before your " line.[color=brown]
magical46 - Phil @ http://www.weybourneweather.co.uk/index.php
You have javascript errors in your “ajaxWDwx-settings.js” file.
Some of the picture names are missing opening quotes.
BTW: there is no need to add “./ajax-images/”… to all the images.
You can set the graphics root further up in the script in:
imgDir = ‘./ajax-images/’; // root of images folder - must be with trailing slash i.e. ‘./ajax-images/’;
If your icons are in this folder: “./ajax-images/icon/…” all you need to do is this: [color=brown]wxIcon = {src : imgDir+"[color=green][b]icon/[/b][/color]#PIC#.gif" [/color]
The #PIC# part gets replaced by the actual file name eg. “bkn”.