ajaxWDwx.js:[color=brown] {src : imgDir+"wr-#DIR#.png" [color=blue]......equals "/ajax-images/wr-WSW.png"[/color] ,xlate: false [/color]
This one is correct and your windrose shows.
ajaxWDwx-settings.js:[color=brown] wrImg.src = imgDir+"Wind#1#wr-#DIR#.gif"; [color=blue]......equals "/ajax-images/Wind#1#wr-WSW.gif"[/color] wrImg.xlate = true; [/color]
Your image name is incorrect and does not exist.
You need to take out the #1# i.e. “Wind1wr-#DIR#.gif” is equal to “./ajax-images/Wind1wr-WSW.gif”
The #DIR# gets replaced with eg. “WSW”
The #LANG# gets replaced with eg. “-it”
If you dont want the #LANG# because you only have one windrose for all
the languages then you need to set:
wrImg.xlate = false; // translate wind direction for icon names (multilingual system)
The #1# does not exist and can not be translated into anything.
What you need in ajaxWDwx-settings.js is this:[color=brown] wrImg.src = imgDir+"wr-#LANG##DIR#.png"; wrImg.xlate = false; [/color]
PS: When you upload a new settings file to your server you need to press CTRL-F5 for the Browser to re-fetch the javascript files.
They get cached in your Browser for a looooooong time :lol:
Hi Rainer,
thanks for your answer.
Please, could you tell me how to install your moon, almanc and uv index images??
Which parameters should i editin ajaxWdwx-settings.js?
Thanks again,
3 options:
A: ignore it, like Rainer says
B: remove the @, but I guess you want Date @ Time
C: replace the @ with at, and also change it in ajaxWDwx.js
Hi Rainer,
i have last question for you.
If i need to make the changes in ajax-dashboard.php to show moon, uv index and almanac icons, what they be these settings in ajaxWdwx-settings.js?
I don’t manage to understand…
Which files should i change? Ajax-dashboard or AjaxWdwx-settings.js?
The icons are in the proper folder on my server.
Excuse me and thanks again,
Have you added the code for it into your ajax-dashboard.php yet?
You don’t have to do anything in ajaxWdwx-settings.js but lots of additions to ajax-dashboard.php.
See what I’ve done in my ajax-dashboard.php file here: http://www.bashewa.com/ajax-dashboard.php?sce=view
PS: If you don’t have any PHP knowledge I think you’re going to have a hard time.
It’s best Scott adds it to the dashboard.
I’ll do it into my ajax-dashboard.
But why are there these code into the ajaxWDwx-settings.js if, to works correctly, should it be changed in ajax-dashboard?
$SITE['timeFormat'] = 'Y-m-d H:i'; // ISO format 2006-03-31 14:03
$SITE['timeOnlyFormat'] = 'H:i'; // Euro format hh:mm (hh=00..23);
$SITE['dateOnlyFormat'] = 'Y-m-d'; // ISO format
I’m working on version 5 of my alternative Dashboard now that will use this new script. I still have several things to work out yet but the work in process is up on my site now.