As the title suggests I need to find a replacement for my trusty old WM918 that I bought in 2002 & is still going strong (believe it or not, I must have got a good one). I have sold our rural property & left the station there.
Looking at my profile , I joined in 2002 & last posted in 2009! I was using vers 10.7 of WD!
So no doubt weather stations have improved a bit since 2002 & so has WD no doubt.
I found that WD gave me all that I wanted except for access to historical records, so I wrote my own program (Dbase4!) yeah i’m an old timer , eh. THe program pulled the data from the csv files that WD created & I compiled a report that I could print out at the end of the year that listed each days weather, ie max temp, min temp, max wind, av wind, day rain etc. Each day was listed in order & then subtotalled with averages at the end of the month. The yearly figures were also then averaged. AT the end of each years report I had the top 10 , hottest days, coldest days, windiest days, wettest days etc.
I had these records since 2003 so I had nearly 20 years of local weather data.
SO i guess I am asking is there any thing out there that can do this for me as I havent got the energy & time anymore to spend weeks on doing this again.
Looking at the newer stations they dont seem to fare too well on historical data at all.
Glad to hear you are still around. Hope all is well.
can you point me to a sample of the reports?
Another thought that occured to me is that if i went for a new station that WD supports, would the csv files still be the same, ie have the same data in them as my old files from the WM918? If that was the case then I could still use what I had created in DBase to print my reports.
Brian, it does look good. Is there a way to select a date range as I have 16 years of data! Otherwise the only option seems to print each month at a time?
For info, here is what I did from the csv files.
I used the 2011 file as later was above your file limit.
Been happy with my Davis Vantage pro plus, I had a Oregon wmr which did not fare well in Phoenix sun, had to replace the batteries in the senors every year or less, the cheap plastic rain gauge started falling apart in the sun.