2016 Beta versions ready to test!

Hi Tom,

for me all is ok and working…except, even I have “Close after schedule run” checked in WXSIM-Lite, it does not close, so if I am not working on my PC for some time, I have few WXSIMlite windows opened when I return.



Been running all day on Beta 6 and everything’s running OK.

HOWEVER, I just noticed on the WxSim-Lite display that all 4 boxes in the top-center of the dialog are checked (Forecast Only, Use Initial Data, Use Corrections, and Daylight Savings Time). I thought I remembered only Use Initial Data and Use Corrections were checked previously. I know I haven’t checked the DST box. When I click on DST Start/End Dates in the menu, it shows the Start Date for DST as 3/8 and the End Date as 11/1, neither of which are correct for this year. I changed the DST dates to 3/13 and 11/6. Then I unchecked Forecast Only and DST and re-ran WxSim-Lite. When it concluded, only the Use Initial Data and Use Corrections boxes were checked.

I had a friend who also upgraded to Beta 6 check his settings and he saw the same boxes checked as I did. Just wondering what in Beta 6 caused the Forecast Only and DST boxes to get checked.



Hello Tom -

I have not tried to utilize “include last year” within WXSIM-Lite until moments ago. I am getting these errors each time the graph crosses over into a new month. I can click “ok” & the program resumes and completes with data.

Best regards

OK, some answers:

I can’t think of anything I did which should change which boxes are checked. There was definitely no update to initialization files. The changes I made had to do with error trapping. Note that these boxes check and uncheck themselves automatically during analysis and forecast runs, so they don’t stay the way you saw them, necessarily. As for DST, I guess I had some old default dates from another year in there. You have to put your own in there … a once a year thing! It occurs to me now that the previous year would have been different, but the effect of this is trivial. BTW you should see that DST box check and uncheck itself during analysis runs, because it’s referring to the date currently being analyzed.

As for the not found VWS files, that’s because you probably weren’t using WXSIM that far back, and WXSIMATE in fact creates these files from the VWS data files. Actually, you can retroactively do that, manually, using WXSIMATE. Just turn off the scheduler, manually set the date and time on the right (in the local data import section) to just before midnight (like 23.99) on the last day of the month you’re missing, and click the button to import the data. That should create that month’s file (and perhaps the previous one, too, but don’t count on that - just do them all), and then you won’t need to do that again. The same situation exists for WeatherLink, but not for Weather Display and Cumulus.

Hope that helps!


Have been running beta6 for 24 hours and no problems…

Hi Tom

All seems to be fine with the latest beta until this morning on the 3rd run - I have just got a ‘wret runtime error 70 - permission denied’

Any suggestions?



Beta 6, clean runs other than usual non-critical messages first run.

Over 10 forecast runs on Beta6 here and not a single problem.

As with the other betas, all good here, thank you Tom.

Hi Tom,
all fine here too in Italy.
Thanks a lot,


Thanks for the feedback! I’m very glad to hear it’s running well for almost everybody, but of course I want to fix everything I can! So …

As for the failure to close (with the box checked), I just tried this with both the analysis run and the forecast run, and it’s closing as desired for me. Also, the box seems to stay checked. Can you give me any more details?

As for the error 13 and 55 using the VWS files, I might have to try to reproduce that here. I would need those files that WXSIMATE made (i.e. 32016vws.txt) and just a few gfsdat files to try that.

The error 70 sounds like either multiple copies of the program open, OR another program (wret? autolearn?) trying to access the log files at the same time. The new feature of going back to older years makes the analysis take longer, and it’s possible it may still be going wehn autolearn fires up to do its own analysis. Make sure the runs are far apart.

Let me know what you find! :slight_smile:


Tom -

I just sent (hopefully-correct) the data in an e-mail due to the gfsdat files.

Thank you,
Best regards


the box to close the WXSIMLite is checked, and I have not noticed it would uncheck itself. So this is really strange to me, as WXSIM and WXSIMate close without problem.
I have made and scheduled a windows batch file to close WXSIMLite…

Another thing, I am getting this msg:

Thank you for your hard work and great support.


Hi Marian,

Some questions:

Are you sure this is the very latest version of the programs (using www.wxsim.com/2016beta6.exe)?

Can you send wxlini.txt?

I’m still wondering why WXSIM-Lite wouldn’t close, as it’s a pretty simple instruction within the program and it works here. That, combined with the message showing fdata.txt being from 2014, makes me think the WXSIM-Lite run did not finish. Does your script to close the program give WXSIM-Lite enough to time to finish everything?



Hi Tom,

maybe you remember my WXSIMLite problem couple of months ago, when it did not start at all. I think it was wxlini.txt which was 0 bytes. So you sent me a new one just to get me going.
Maybe, that could be the problem.
Yes, I give WXSIMLite 15 minutes before I terminate it using a simple windows command: taskkill /IM wxsimlite.exe. I also do some coding, so I know how simple it is to close the program,
and that makes me wonder more about WXSIMLite not closing it self.

Anyway, please find attached my wxlini.txt

Thank you for your time and fast response.


wxlini.txt (291 Bytes)

Hi Tom,

I am getting the same thing after wxsim run. See attached

Did you try this ? For me it worked…

Hi Ed,

I removed all gfs*.* and still get the popup screen. It was worth a try.

The popup that I get is different than yours in that it says that my fdata.txt is more than 24 hrs old. It is a new file but I cannot read the data so I don’t understand it.


Tom R

Same problem persists here… Tom, please, can you have a look?

Thank you.
