According to this article on Slashdot the National Weather Service is proposing to make more of its data freely available on the net, but the commercial weather industry fronted by Accuweather is opposing the move and wants to remove access to some data that’s already available.
Yea AccuAdvertise err Accuweather used to be a good site but all the flash ads flying all over all their pages has led me back to Weather Underground. I really do appreciate the fact that they gave us a free membership because we upload data to their site.
Despite coming from the wrong side of the Atlantic, I’ve cast my vote (with NWS) for more free data. Now if only the UK Met Office were thinking along the same lines…but I can’t see the current UK administration ever giving something away for nothing.
Come to think of it, I don’t think we have a Weather Tax yet. Perhaps we’ll have to pay more on sunny days. There aren’t too many now, but they’ll be looking to make more money as global warming sets in
...the National Weather Service is proposing to make more of its data freely available on the net, but the commercial weather industry fronted by Accuweather is opposing the move and wants to remove access to some data that's already available.
I'll third it...mainly because I don't like people telling jokes that I don't understand :usa
That was a broadcast on behalf of the Monster Raving Loony Party (which is a real UK Political party…see for more details). I suspect the inventor of the 43ft alcohol barometer is probably already a member :jester:
That was a broadcast on behalf of the Monster Raving Loony Party (which is a real UK Political party...see for more details). I suspect the inventor of the 43ft alcohol barometer is probably already a member :jester:
I could be, i don't know their postitions............ on their website, only the home and "shop" section. :lol:
If you join you could be Shadow Minister for 43ft Alcohol Barometers. If they ever get into power then you have to take the post up and accept responsibility for the whole country.
I’m not sure if non-UK nationals are allowed to join though.
I suspect that Blackadder would have been a member of the MRLP had they existed when he was around. Screaming Lord Sutch arrived some time after the last known generation of the Blackadder family though.
I wouldn’t have thought that Blackadder would be popular in America. It doesn’t seem to fit with the US sense of humour.
I wouldn't have thought that Blackadder would be popular in America. It doesn't seem to fit with the US sense of humour.
They don't even show it on the PBS(public tv, which shows a lot of brit comedy). I, however, have the full series on DVD :lol:
it was shown here ,that series
funny :)
I didn’t know what the NZ sense of humour was like. I think I do now!
brian, that is an insult, you don’t have to take it