
I seen ti be screwing things up, and need help with the creation of these graphs. I am having disk space problems, and while trying to ghost the 10GB drive to a 20GB, unsuccesively so far, Weather Display refuses to create the graphs.

I see no control selection to turn these on or off, so I need help…

Thanks in advance, Robbie

do you mean the dialy averages/extreme files?
any error under view, program error log?
the switch to do daily averages/extremes (which produces yeterdaygraph) is in the web upload times, in the ftp/internet setup

Brian, I found the file names got changed from yesterdaygraph to current24graph

I have no idea except I was having a Norton problem unrelated. I just changed the web page to currXXgraph and it works!

Seems to be still working fine Brian…