My yesterday data is gone from the graphs. What’s the likely cause?
I had a similar incident
Error screen on W98 .
shutdown and restarted the machine , upon restart the main display graph was mostly blank . This was verion 9.99g
put it down to ( Mr Gates from Mircosoft ) although can’t say for sure .
Have you tried this to restore it. If your data is still in your
log file, it takes your current months
log file and loads it into the graph data.
It is also a good thing to periodically make a copy of your monthly
log file which is currently 122003lg.txt.
Import Log File from other software
Convert WD logs
In the logfile folder select 122003lg.txt
Click on convert and wait for “Complete” (few seconds)
Then OK
Your graph data should be back.
You can use this anytime you go into your 12003lg.txt file to
fix any erroneous data. Then do the above again.
It does not fix the “real time graph” which you need to
reset from time to time anyway, it just fixes the main graph.