WD is showing a YTD Rainfall of 20.88 inches, however it should read more like 3.25 inches.
I have gone into Averages/Extremes and can not seem to find where it is picking up the 20.88" value. In fact, sometimes it appears correct, and others not…
I realize that the values for specific days can be edited, but I cannot seem to find any day that skews the data.
I have attached three example screen shots.
One: Selecting 31 May 2020 and clicking Update Whole Month. Shows Rainfall for Year 3.122 in.
Two: Selecting 1 June 2020 and clicking View Selected Day. Shows Rainfall for Year 3.25 in.
Three: Same date selected, clicking Update Whole Month shows Rainfall for Year 20.878 in. (Highlighted in Purple).
The yearly total rainfall appears to have reset in January (as expected), and the console currently reads YTD rain at 3.16 in. (close enough)
I don’t see how/where WD is picking up the incorrect value of 20.878 in. And it isn’t consistent.
There’s got to be some data or log file somewhere that has the funky value, but I don’t know where to look.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
WD 10.37S B56
Windows 10
Acurite Station / VIS