WxSim lastret.txt not updating (SOLVED)

I’ve been fighting this problem for several weeks. My “lastret.txt” is not updating when using WxSim scheduled auto runs. If I go in and do a manual autorun, not a scheduled run, then “lastret.txt” is updated. Obviously something changed about 2 weeks ago and I haven’t changed any settings. I’m currently using WxSim version 2024 1.1, but this also happened with version 2024 1.0. Thanks for any help.

You are correct as mine in the main WXSim directory has not been updated for ages BUT I looked in my ‘Saved files’ sub-directory which is where I have set WRET to save stuff and lastret.txt is there! So open WRET and see where it saves its data!


Finally solved. It was the “ext boot” block was checked somehow, possibly when I had a computer lockup and a bunch of files got corrupted. Probably because my old man eyes couldn’t read the “ext boot” block. This drove me crazy for weeks - I’m glad it’s fixed!