Wxsim-ewn Forecast

I have been trying to get the EwnWxSim forecast display running:

I have read through some topics on this forum and have most items displayed. One that has me stuck is that the Overview tab won’t display when the page first loads—actually, it never does—yet the table and graph do.

Any suggestions welcome!


There are two files processed, the lastret.txt is used for the details and graph.
Plaintext.txt is used for the overview.

With 99% of the problems it is the setting to the files.

The setting for both files used is in ./wxsim-ewn/config.php line 36
It should be in the form
$path_to_lastret = "/home/wilsonsw/public_html/lastret.txt"

Both lastret.txt and plaintext.txt need to be in the same folder.
Normally they are in the root
→ plaintext.txt is there
→ but I can not find lastret.txt

Hope this helps,

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Bingo! Many thanks…


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A post was split to a new topic: EWN rain total problem