Wu update starts with English not with metric ** Solved **

Howto change the settings that the daily wu-update starts with metric and not with English

startWUhistory.php line 23-24 should look like this

$ws_commontemp_type     = 'c';                  # default metric units to start with
#$ws_commontemp_type     = 'f';                  # default US units to start with

in what map is this file ? can’t find it

as above said try that

With me the file is in the folder

All i got in that map

Hmm… then it’s beyond my competence to help

can somebody send my that file ?


You do not need that file as it is not used anymore.

You are using the more recent version (Jan 2023) of the History/Reports add-on. From this topic:

As you are aware, these are very old “Leuven” scripts.
The demo system works OK: TEST TEST History at WU
Need some free time to install another test system and check if your problem can be reproduced.
Maybe I will need your FTP credentials as none of my current test sites have the same behavior. Seems to be your site only.

But as it is no an error, it is not for today.


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Great job, again… now it works as it should be… Thanks Wim