WS 2500 PC and Error Message


Version i/j do not work.
data update: Intervall time is 4 minutes, but sometimes i must give hepl by klicking on get data and he gets more then 1 interval of data.
good question if the data recent. i think yes because sometimes he does not get data automaticly. if no data in the ws2500ps he tells me that “no data available”. The station is set to get data from the sensor all 5 minutes. this i can do with original software.

An other problem is, that the software needs a very long to to synchronise with the dcf.

getting status
Ws2500 timer on
Ackl, stopping timer
getting status
getting data
Status report arrived
Sensor #1 is OK.
Sensor #2 does not exist.
Sensor #3 does not exist.
Sensor #4 does not exist.
Sensor #5 does not exist.
Sensor #6 does not exist.
Sensor #7 does not exist.
Sensor #8 does not exist.
Sensor #9 is OK.
Rain sensor: is OK.
Wind sensor: has an error.
Brightness sensor: is OK.
Pyranometer sensor: is OK.
Indoor sensor: has an error.

With HF
Sensors: 1-16
DCF assync
Battery OK
Interface version 2.4
Interval time 5 minutes

Ws2500 timer on
Ackl, stopping timer
getting data
Ackl, stopping timer
Ws2500 timer on
Ackl, stopping timer
getting data
Data length= 40
Block Nr: 198
Block Age: 9
new baro 950.0
new baro temp 21.0
new baro hum 39.0
Brightness sensor 16590.0 lux, Bright sunlight
Solar sensor 36.7 w/m2
Aussen :1.2

that info looks good
is wd plotting the solar OK on the solar/uv real time graph?

do you have a barometer offset set in wd?
as 950mb is very low

solar, do not know, we hat not much sun last times.
thanks, i offset the barometer

starting is always difficult, also the 3 minute data getting.

Next problem:

the software hangs on “sky view data logger setup” with memory fault in Windows 2000. I dit nothing and i did not find this menue. I found this message, when i came form work.

The brightness sensor always shos me the following line: (it’s dark now!!!)

Brightness sensor 165900.0 lux, Bright sunlight


i have a ws2500 here now
strange, it does not work for me…not sure why yet
but, i have made some tweaks in 10.03n
which should be better

The automated getting of data is very unequal. When i get by hand many data files will be downloaded in the program. he tries an get the following message very often.

Ws2500 timer on
Ackl, stopping timer
getting data
Ackl, stopping timer


good news
i now have the ws2500 working that i have here now…
i was originaly supplied with the wrong serial cable (one for a ws2310)
now i can fix problems

wonderful, i wait for results.

it will be 10.03r
i have the status report and logger time report working
(they were working for the orignal non console ws2500 station type)
and i have the solar on the screen showing, and i will fix other solar issues, and logging issues

otherwise wd got all my 3 days of missing data at first start up after clicking on get data, for me :slight_smile:

is it possible to make someting german in the web site what now is in english? myself

If you want, i can help to translate into “real” german.

where exactly do you mean?
is the latest verison behaving itself better for the ws2500 ? :wink:

What i mean is, f.e.

in dailyhighlowbaroetc.gif in german version you can read

Niederschlag Heute/Gestern this is german
Day High indoor temp this is english


Hours of overnight air frost this is english
Anzahl der Tage seit letzen Regen this is german

in the software on PC you have also sometimes a mixture of languages.

this is what i mean.

ok, yes, provide me with the german translation and i will fix
its becuase those parameters were added after i originaly did the translation

please try a new 10.03t beta
its better
the solar wm/2 now works
i just need to fix the log file and some other things related to that


thank you, next thing is, that the times in the table (curr24hourgraph.gif) do not correspond with the measured times e.g. we had on saturday 8:35pm wind with 118km/h. When you go to the tables it’s not the real time it was measured.

Next thing is, that the sychronising DCF <=> PC not function and battery is NOT LOW its new.

getting status
Ws2500 timer on
Ackl, stopping timer
getting status2
getting data
Status report arrived
Sensor #1 is OK.
Sensor #2 does not exist.
Sensor #3 does not exist.
Sensor #4 does not exist.
Sensor #5 does not exist.
Sensor #6 does not exist.
Sensor #7 does not exist.
Sensor #8 does not exist.
Sensor #9 is OK.
Rain sensor: is OK.
Wind sensor: is OK.
Brightness sensor: is OK.
Pyranometer sensor: is OK.
Indoor sensor: has an error. there is no error

With HF
Sensors: 1-16
DCF assync i never saw sync
Battery LOW Battery is new
Interface version 2.4
Interval time 3 minutes

Hi Brian,
happy new year (long time not been in contact with you)!!!
Good to know that you have a WS2500PC now.
I still have my not working solar sensor in the garden since last summer :wink:
Please also have a look at the average extremes. There are no updates for each day at the right side and the rain is not working fpor average extremes since the versions of approx. last year april.

Please try a new 10.03x beta
should be better all around i think
the missing data is becuase the log has not been rolling over the reset time corect

Hi Brian,
many thanks!
With 103x is something wrong with wind and also temerature graph.
Please have a look to my display from last night.

Solar looks like its working ok.


the getting of data is not permanent. Most times i have to initiate by hand. In the times between e.g. the gust speed is frozen on the level before over the time i get the next data by hand.

Direction: 270.0
Wind speed 48.6
Rain Counter: 26.0
Rain Calculated: 7.8 mm
Rain Calculated #2: 0.0 mm
Rain Calculated #3: 26.0 mm
Requesting data again
Ackl, stopping timer
setting next data
Ackl, stopping timer
getting data

he stops on “getting data” and nothing happens. I have to initiate by hand to continue.

I just tryed to vote the WS2500PC at the welcome-page.
It is not listed yet.

uploading 10.03z
will be a an hour or 2
it will be a winner for getting data at start up (no missing data now)
and now letting it run for auto data
i found a major blunder in what i had done!

also fixes the dew point on the real time graph

vote: i would need to get florian to fix that