Hello. I have a WS-2310 weather station and It seems that in the last two days I have been getting the same wind reading a lot. It keeps saying 14.0 mph. It seems strange to me that the same reading is being displayed. I have noticed lower readings and a few higher readings but for the most part only 14 mph. Recently I hooked my weather station up to my laptop so I could keep it going 24/7 and this is when I first noticed the problem. One other thing I find kinda weird is my weather station and my Weather Display software seems to be a little off from each other. When my weather station displays 14 mph the software displays 14.1 mph. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
weather display actualy uses knots internaly, and the station actualy sends the wind as m/s, so by the time there are some conversions done to display mph, there is some rounding done.
but, given that anenometers are only accurate to so many knots, I would not be concerned with some rounding changes of 0.1 mph…
? :lol: 8O
Do you think its normal that I keep getting 14 mph wind reading. Or do you think there may be something wrong with my wind sensor?
is that also on the console?
are you using wireless?
(if wireless, then update rate of the readings is only ever 2 minutes, unless the windspeed goes over 20mph, then it gets faster (something like that)
Yes, I get the 14 mph reading both on the console and on the Weather Display software. No, I’m not using the wireless setup. I got up on my roof and blew on my wind senor prop and then went back to my console and it said 50 mph, so I assume its working. Maybe the wind is very consistent now or something, unlikely though.
50mph is a good puff!
the other thing, is , if you see windspeed spikes, and or on the console, OVR, at times, then its best to replace the data cable between the temp/hum sensor and the anenometer with a shielded cable…if not already been done
see in the hints/tip section of this forum about that