Is there a step by step walkthrough for the ws-2310 and Weather Display software for setting everything up, i have been playing with the software. but this is a whole new world when ya get into the weather station and the software. So wasn’t sure if there was a step by step guide for everything or not.
which part in particular are you wanting help with?
In basics almost everything in there has me lost. i did get it to get the data from the unit. but it pertains to all the other items that are in there. That is where i got lost.
I have a 2310 and IIRC took me about a month to figure everything out. I started with simply getting WD to read the station and the basic web page setup:
Note some of the screens in the above FAQ have changed and haven’t been updated yet, my fault…
Then I started playing with custom tags and pages and as soon as I figured that out I threw the basic web page out the window and started creating a web site with all custom tags.
I highly recommend CarterLake’s (Tom) templates for those without great HTML skills.
WD should be grabbing all the data your station can provide. Using the templates you may get the most out of it with the least effort.
Here’s another place to get started:
This entry is in the FAQ section - another place for lots of info:
Take it one step at a time - and don’t be afraid to ask questions here as you get going!
Thanks everyone, got all the links and following up on them.
Ok next question pertains to the Pressure with the 2310 now looking at the local airport reading for here they show a Barometer of 29.83 at an elevation of 1670 ft. After doing research on the net i got mine narrowed to a elevation of 1273 ft now should the 2310 be set to the same as the airports of 29.83 which is only about 5 miles away?
Also not sure if any of these settings get punched into the WD software or not.
have the following info:
also anyone know how i fiigure what the barometer offset is?
N 40
try setting the barometer offset in WD so that the presure matches that of the local airport reading (at the same time)
You need to set you lon/lat and elevation -
Control Panel > Solar/Lunar & Coordinates
Also be sure your altitude is set in -
Control Panel > Units & Other Settings
Then check your baro readings again - if you need to adjust it -
Control Panel > Offsets & Initial Rain
You should set your console to the same as your airport on a calm day with high barometer readings. WD will then import these and no further correction will be necessary. Airports and met offices always correct their barometers to sea level, AFAIK. I’m at 20 km from the nearest airport, which is literally at sea level (the runway is about 15 cm below sea level at the N end!). My WS-2300 tracks the airport barometer very well, usually to within 1 hPa, except in gusty weather, like today, where it may be 2 hPa out.
ok thanks for all the info.