WS 2300 Data Logger - 30 minutes

i have added it now to a new 10.15w beta
see in the datalogger setup
and then choose the exported .txt logfile from the heavy weather program
note, if there are , instead of . for decimal place for the data in the logfile, then you need to tick that option in the setup window.
also, set the datalogging interval (i.e the time between time stamps in the heavy weather logfile)

Hi from Normandy,

Thank you for this new feature…

For the time being, I can’t have it working : I have done all what you asked to do, all seems to be OK (“Finished” is displayed)… But I can’t see any of the imported datas on the graphs or anywhere else…

What could be wrong ?

I made a try deleting the 2 head lines of the HW’ TXT file, but this does not change anything.

I also made a try replacing the , by a . in the HW’ TXT file, and then untick the option in WD, but it still can’t work.

I am re-sending by mail to you the .TXT file (30 minutes intervale) from which I made these first tries…



I made another try after updating the [Davis download] section of wdisplay.ini (in Windows folder) to an older date : all seemed to work…

…but is it verrrryyyyyy looooooooong : about 7 secondes for each line of data, ie 3 hours for 1 month of data (30 minutes intervale)…

Isn’t it a bit strange ? There is no RS232C communication with the station, so I find it surprising for being soooooooo looooong…

Another thing a bit strange : I made a first try importing august 2004 data. And then a second one importing july 2004 data.

After impoting july data, the datas represented on the “3 hours” graph were the ones of july, and not the ones of august. Is this normal ? The last data imported must absolutely be the more recents ? I find that a bit strange because the date/time is also imported ???


yeah, it is slow…i am not sure why it that slow…it was for me…i will see if i can speed it up (one way it to read it all into memory first (the heavy weather data file))
yes, for the 3,6,12 hour graphs, it always updates them, even if its not the current month…so, after doing say a july import,then go action, convert wd log files to graphs, and select this months log file, then click on convert

What I’d like to do is updating WD importing weather datas from HW since August 2003… But 48 daily records at the actual speed makes it impossible…

So I am really interested if you could speed up this importation…

I also wonder if it wouldn’t be possible to have the graphs updated ONLY if the imported datas match the current day/hours of the selected graph ? IE, if I am importing JULY 2004 datas, I don’t think the actual “last 3 hours” graph should be updated…

try a new beta 10.16 in about 1 hour from now
it should be faster
but i forgot to check to only update the 12 hour graph data if its this months import
(but going action, convert wd log files to graphs resets that graphs to the current data anyway)


Thank you very much. But I have one more time a problem to import my HW file : “finished” is displayed immediatly by WD, and nothing is imported.

I have changed the date in the [Davis… ] section of wdisplay.ini in the Windows folder, but this time, it does not solve anything ???

What else could I try ?

note, that you need to change the times in the davis time in the wdisplay.ini file, before you run WD…
email me the file you are importing, again, and I will try from here

That’s what I am doing… and why I don’t understand it does not work anymore with this 10.16 beta (this setting was working with previous version)…

I am e-mailing the HW file to you right now…

Please note that before trying this new beta, I made a reset of WD by deleting the files in the folders datafiles and logfiles.


I’m having the exact same problem with my heavy weather file. I just made a fresh history.txt file. Select it in the datalogger setup screen en set the interval to 10 minutes (in my case). The file is in 10 minute intervals.
When i start the import, a few lines appear on the progress bar, and it immediately says ‘finished’. However, i can’t find a thing in the graphs (or anywhere else).

I am using the 10.16v beta by the way.
