WS 2300 Data Logger - 30 minutes

Hi from Normandy,

Even after reeading previous posts in the forum, I still can’t have WD reading correctly at startup the 175 operations stored by the data logger of my WS 2300 (for information, all is working perfectly with HeavyWeather, the software delivered with this LaCrosse station).

My WS2300 is set up to store data every 30 minutes. This means that I have about 3 days of autonomy, with the computer off. I can’t afford less.

I have read here that it is better to set up WD to 1 minute… But for the time being, I set up WD the same way as my WS2300, ie 30 minutes.

What’s wrong, exactly, with the “30 minutes” setting ? I can’t understand, and in all posts about this subject, this question has never been clearly answered.

Is the 30 minutes setting unusable with WD (is this what “1 minute setting is better” means) ? Or is it usuable, and what are the settings I must enter in WD to have it reading correctly at startup the data in the station’s memory it still don’t have downloaded ?

Thanks a lot for a complete answer about this subject.

Very Friendly,

under control panel, data logger setup
set the data pad out amount to 30

(right and side, near the bottom)

the reason that only every 30 minute data is not so good with wd, is that is just means that the data will be have to padded out, as its normaly every 1 minute data logging…i.e so you will end up with blocky looking graphs…thats all

(and though the daily resets, etc, wd might have trouble with)

Sorry, but I still don’t understand many things with the data logger :

  1. Even if the PC has been off since a few hours only, the download is very long : does this mean that each time WD data logger is started, it is downloading ALL the values in the station memory ?

  2. Here are all the values I have on the data logger set up screen. Can you please check that all is all right ?

(yesterday, I have selected the button “set the data logger to 30 minutes samples”)

Console barometer offset : 10 (I have read in the forum to put this value, but I don’t understand it > must I report here the adjustement between relative and absolute pressure I have enter in the station console ?).

Minutes ago to extract data from : 1 (but all the memory of the station is read each time… it is very long to download)

Data recording interval : 30

Hour offset needed : 0 (must I enter “1” for summer time in France ?)

The check box “PC Clock” is unchecked

Thanks alot,


the minutes ago to get data from…
that applies to the button, get data from datalogger now

now, have you checked that the time and date on the console is the same as that on the PC?
also, when you change the history interval (i.e with the buttons), even in heavy weather, it wipes the data

i will do some testing here tomorrow with the ws2310 i have here
but its 11pm here now

also,yes, the baro offset is needed if the barometer value from the extracted data is different to that from what it should be for over that time period


I am still trying to move the parameters of the data logger setup screen, but the results are always “strange”… For instance, if I put “1” for “day time saving”, the hours collected are wrong (1 hour)… But if I put 0, they are wrong too (hours = 12.655, for instance !).

An other thing I don’t understand, is the necessity to tell WD how many minutes of data must be read from the data logger each time… Why, as it is the case with HeavyWeather, not only collecting the datas memorised since the last data collected ?

Let me know when your tests will be completed…

Isn’t there a possibility to import the .dat files produced by HeavyWeather ? In fact, for me, it would be another acceptable solution, instead of having WD read the “data logger”… I had a look in the “import” menu of WD, but this type of file does not seem to be known for the time being…

This dat file, of course, records the data every 30 minutes, for the same reasons (being able to have 3 days of autonomy)…

Thanks for your -very needed :wink: - help,

no, you dont need to set the minutes

wd knows how long ago it was last running

that minute extract is just for a manual data extract

I have some data in my ws2310 now
I just have not had time to test, and set the 30 minute interval, etc…just been too busy with a few others things, but i will get there

WD does do a direct data history extract at start up, I have tested this before, and it works live with the ws2310, getting data every 6 seconds or so, and there is no need to use heavy weather or even have it loaded on your pc…i mean, that program is pretty basic

doing some testing here
the ws2310 data extraction at start up seems to be not working
i must have broken it
trying to find what is wrong and fixing now

seems to be working again…for me anyway
i am uploading 10.15g now

Many thanks for this test.

I have just installed 10.15h

As my data are “corrupted” in WD, here is what I have done :

  1. I have deleted all files in \logfiles
  2. I have deleted all files in \datafiles
  3. I have started WD > control panel > datalogger > (extract at startup was off) > I asked for a manual extraction of “175 minutes” (in fact, 175x 30 minutes as the station is set up for 30 min)

As I can see in dailylog.txt, all is beginning correctly for pressure (I entered the correction between relative and absolute pressure in WD data logger setup : 32.5), but outdoor temperature is wrong… And suddenly, it is the opposite : outdoor temperature becomes good, but pressure is completely false (about 60hpa more than the real pressure).

I am going to send you by e-mail now the good values (extracted from Heavy Weather), and the dailylog.txt from WD.

Waiting your analyse, I am going to do exactly the test you have done : no manual extraction, only “extraction at startup”, after having deleted one more time \logfiles and \datafiles to be sure starting from a clean situation.

Once again, many thanks for your so fast help :slight_smile: .


I made the test I talk about in the previous post : problem is the same. Only the datas read “live” are good.

Datas read from the logger are completely “random” : sometimes temperature and wind is good, but not pressure (more often) ; sometimes, pressure is good but not the wind direction nore the temperature…

So… ???

About something you told previously : you are very nice telling HeavyWeather is very “basic” :wink: But, it is reading all the datas in the console, and this is what is intereting us, no ?

So, I “insist” :wink: a little : wouldn’t it be a good alternative to have the possibility to import directly in WD the data in the .dat file of HW ? It would be an alternative, at least as long as there is a problem reading directly the data logger…


I have exactly the same problem with my WS2310. Data read from the logger are completely wrong. Also data reading from the logger is extremely slow (a few hours reading takes more than one hour.)
A few weeks ago, with a previous version, everything seemed right…



it should not be slow like that

i will do some testing and investigating soon…just been real busy on other projects…
good to know it used to be OK.,…but that i have now stuffed it up


For me, extraction of the full memory (175 series of data) takes about 15 minutes (RS232C connexion).

But the data collected are always wrong as I have described in my previous posts.

Let us know when you will had the time to investigate… And please do not forget my idea about the alternate importaion of .dat files generated by HW… I know this is not the solution you prefer, and I understand it ; but for me, it would be really interresting.

Many thanks for all the work done.


if you could email me a heavy weather data file, then I will get wd to read in any missing data from that, as an option, for now, too


I have just sent you the requested HW .dat file…

Many thanks,



I saw there was a new beta (10.15r). Is the importation of HW .TXT files available in this new version ? How does it work ?



not yet…i will list in the history file when that happens


This little post just to remember :wink: that without this new import feature of HW .TXT files [and the correction of the reading of the data logger of the Ws 2300], I can’t use WD (because I can’t afford having it working 24/24).



i will make this priority on monday onwards
we are away this weekened
and its been a very busy week for this one…as I am now a secretary for the local Fire Brigade, and have minutes to write up (nearly finished), and I had another meeting where I was the president (PTA), and there some equipment on the farm that needs upgrading/fixing, and I have to organis that, and on top of supporting weather display, the wife works and I am at home otherwise with a 2 year old toddle…and they are contanstly wanting your attention…
anyway, just to let people know I am a busy busy bee,…and I have 3 other people all waiting for me to finish things for them too!!!
but I will get there, step by step :wink: :lol:

Me, I am simply on holiday :lol: !