WordPress Blog Add On for Carterlake Templates updated for WP 2.9+

I am getting CSS errors after upgrading wordpress. Here is the link.


Plus on my blog page my advisories on my menu bar show the number instead of the word such as advisory, warning. It is showing 1. That is the only page that it effects.


Here is a fixed Settings.php for you:
see attached

You had some code missing near the bottom and one slash was causing a syntax error.

Settings.php.txt (12.1 KB)


That css problem is fixed in the current version of the templates:

download: http://www.642weather.com/weather/scripts/css-theme-switcher.zip
replace the one css file (weather-screen-black-wide.css) from this zip file to your server where your weather site template is

Here is a fixed Settings.php for you: see attached

You had some code missing near the bottom and one slash was causing a syntax error.

Excellent, Many thaks for that.

Still got the original problem on the home page

I,ve made a start with making the changes to the settings.php, flyout menu.xml etc etc verything is working ok except nothing is showing on the home page, all the other pages work fine. Help please

The code you suggested is now there

There is a php error somewhere in the code for that page or in one of the included scripts. You have show php errors turned off, try adding this code to Settings.php just after the opening <?php

Then I might be able to tell you what is causing the error.

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
ini_set(‘display_errors’, 1);

Once again thank you

Phil, I will PM you my email, send me your index.php I will look at the code.

Index.php sent to your e mail

Thank you

Still have to find the issue with my advisories. Maybe I will get with mth (Michael) and see if he knows.


I still have no data showing on my index page. I had got as far as step 7 in the installation instructions, although step 7 seems to contradict some of step 6.

Step 6

Edit ajaxWDwx.js and check the setting:

var imagedir = ‘./ajax-images’;

  • make it a FULL URL, like this:

var imagedir = ‘http://www.yoursite.com/ajax-images’; // no slash on end

Step 7

Edit ajaxWDwx.js and check the setting:

var imagedir = ‘./clientraw.txt’; * make it a FULL URL, like this:

var imagedir = ‘http://www.yoursite.com/clientraw.txt’; // no slash on end

There was a problem with my settings.php but mike has kindly sorted that out for me. The flyout menu is working fine and all the other pages are working fine. Could the problem be with the changes to the ajax-gizmo.php or the ajaxWDwx.js file. I am a novice at this and have tried to follow the instructions virtually character by character. I have the Wordpress files on my computer but haven’t got to the stage of uploading them to the website yet.


I updated step 7 in the instructions and I fixed Phil’s site.

ajax-gizmo.php had a conflict with ajax-dashboard.php because the gen_difference function was being declared twice.
You were several months behind in updates to the world-ml template. This bug must have been fixed by Ken sometime since you installed your template.

If you go here, you will see the Version History.
It would be a good idea for anybody to keep up-to-date with the template changes.

Excellent work Mike many thanks for the time and effort I wouldn’t have had a clue!

Now to get on with the wordpress installation


Ok all installed everything ok until I click on the

“Appearance” and choose the theme “Weather Display Blog by Tony Hake & Jack Ahern.”

when I get this error message

Warning: fopen(./flyout-menu.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/.sites/150/site462/web/flyout-menu.php on line 92 could not open XML input from ./flyout-menu.xml

Any ideas?

Phil, douple check Step 5 …

Change these three settings in flyout-menu.php: …


My Blog Page is now up and running. Many Many thaks to all involved, especially to Mike for his excellent assistance.

Please take a look, log in and add a comment.

Just got to think of stuff to write!!

Oh well I’ll sleep on it

Phil :smiley:


Just installed wordpress - at Its running almost ok. Just two things is not working correctly - and I have been searching the Forum and the net without finding the solution.

  1. The ajax - current condition icon - the text part shows funny character intead of the danish letters

You can try changing this setting in wp-config.php

/** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */
define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');


I need some CSS help here with my blog-page http://www.strandvejr.dk/wxblog/. It doesnt look good at the main blog page. The entries is not showing up in the right way.

What is wrong?

And there is a Firefox problem as well - when I view the page in FF3 the left sidebar does not look good either.

I use the attached CSS file for the hole site.



weather-screen1.txt (22.8 KB)


When you post a blog entry with an image you should post the image at the top, then follow the image with a sufficient amount of text to make a paragraph as tall as the image. This way the page will not look like that with the next blog entry next to the image from the last entry…
I am not sure why it has to be that way, but it does.

Sorry I can’t help with the menu, I do not have the time.


Ok and thanks - sometimes things are just the way things are.
I’ll live with that for now.



Maybe someone can lend a hand here, I have everything up and running, works great, But i am one of those people that likes everything to be Valid XHTML 1.0 lol, So after getting everything up and running, here is the error it gives when checking:

Sorry! This document can not be checked.
Sorry, I am unable to validate this document because on line 220 it contained one or more bytes that I cannot interpret as utf-8 (in other words, the bytes found are not valid values in the specified Character Encoding). Please check both the content of the file and the character encoding indication.

The error was: utf8 “\xB0” does not map to Unicode

I looked high and low for the /xB0 and can not find it, and when the page loads looking at the source here it what it says:

So not sure where it is coming up with that.

Albert, What is the URL to your blog?