WMR968 serial port


can anybody tell me, which signals are used to connect the WMR968 with a PC?

Is it only Rx,Tx, shield and ground or are RTS,CTS and DTR in use too?

Many thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

the later are in use as well…so that the wmr968 knows a pc is connected

did the latest vers work better with that convert logs?


unfortunately not.

I’ve tested with all released versions up to 10.15quntil now but with the same unsatisfying result!

The “zero drops” are still shown.

Back to the question of the RS232 port:

Is CTS,RTS and DTR realy in use (means: Do the signal level change during data transfer) or is it possible to spoof the signals:
Shorten them in the connector on the station side and connect only Rx,Tx, ground and shield to the PC!

What I want to do is to place the station in an other room, some meters away from my PC, and connect them using already installed phone / network cables but they’re only connected with 4 wires.

yeah, DTR and RTS just need to be set on…