I have noticed with recent versions that the wind direciton is not updating regularly to follow the indications and data from my Ultimeter 2100. It has seemed like it only updates every 5-10 minutes or so and misses many changes. ALSO, for today, it does not appear to be updating at all. It is reading NORTH when the winds have been predominately from the west. Was running 10.20s and had this problem and updated to 10.20x earlier today and problem is still there. First of all, is there a setting somewhere which governs how often the wind direction updates and second - is there a fix for it not updating at all. Throughout this time, wind speed has seemed to stay in sync and update very quickly and in step with the weather sensors. Help!!
not sure whats wrong there
things are OK here for wind direction, and no other reports of porblems with the ultimeter at this stage
what logging mode do you have the ultimeter and WD set to?
maybe email me your settings file wdisplay.ini from c:\windows or c:\winnt
I went back to version “s” so that it would not get the users of my data upset. I note that in “s”, if the wind speed is calm, the dial indicators (both red and yellow) seem to go to rest at due north rather than at the last reported direction (which is where my weather station stays.) I will reinstall “x” and then send you a copy of the ini file. I sue the 2100 in streaming full data mode, as recommended and as it has been for almost 2 years now. I know that the data stream is correct because I have other displays off the same data and they all stay current and correct.
How often should the wind direction in WD update? Is it an average minute, 3 minutes or should it be “instantaneous” with the wind speed? Even in version “s” it does not appear to be updating as often as the wind speed does. I get confused sometimes because I cannot remember where some settings and configurations are located for things that I rarely need to access. The menu, control panel, etc. organization changes in the newest versions is very nice and helps me with that, though I know that there are settings still “buried” in submenus - the latest versions are much easier to work with and I appreciate the changes.
Thanks again for a great program and great support. - Scott
yes, the direction should change straight away…
unless you have set an option to use 10 minute average wind direction (in the webfiles/web page setup, real time ftp (should only affect the data for WDL though)
Brian, I sent you the INI file from version 10.20x on the 2nd. Since then I have updated to 10.20g which
is what is running now. A little more light on the subject - I have determined that the wind direction is
updating every 5 minutes using whatever data is sent to it at that interval time (not averaging). If the
winds are calm, then over a few minutes both wind direction indicators (red triangle and the yellow
line) will drift to and settle at true North. The weather station stays at the “last reported direction”
when the winds are calm - so I know that WD is not responding to weather station data when this
happens. So, it’s a little disconcerting to see WD reporting locally and on my web site that the winds
are/have-benn from the North when everyone else in the area and my weather station are showing it
from the last reported. I guess going to the “show CALM” optin is a quick fix for this.
WD is set to receive the data from the Ultimeter in Complet Record Mode and the Ultimeter is
sending the data in that mode. This has been reconfirmed va configuration in both WD and the
Ultimeter (and I have a separate local display which fees from the same data stream and shows the
data correctly.) I do NOT have WD set to do any averaging (that I know of) and I believe that option
is based upon 10 minutes, not 5, correct?
The wind speed updates approximately every 5 seconds - which is consistent with the data output
Any more suggestions?
Thanks - Scott
I have an Ultimeter 2100 also. When I first started using WD I used the complete record mode. I had some unusual wind readings with speed but not direction. I changed the output to data logging mode and its been working great since. Maybe you should change modes just to see if there is any change.
No real joy still - though have not tried data logging mode yet (since that is not compatible with other display
equipment which I am using.)
I note that there are 3 settings for data type in the Ultimeter setup, Brian what are the differences between
short, medium and long data settings and what is significance when the box for “complete record mode” is
checked? I have “long” data and “complete record mode” checked in my setup.
- Scott