Wind Chill / Heat Index

Right now the air temp is 83.1 F. My main screen is showing a wind chill of 83.1 F and a heat index of 81.7.

Seems strange to be showing a wind chill with this high a temperature?

The wind chill is also showing in my web table.

On version 9.79 of WD.

I believe that is normal…effectively you have no wind chill which is what the screen in showing. As for the heat index mine is about the same difference from the temp as yours…I am not sure what the parameters of the heat index are so that may be normal also…(using 9.79 also)

Yea but the wind chill used to not show up when it was warm.

I would think that over a certain temperature then wind chill would not be visible. I thought at one time this was how it was.
I am just seeing this as the weather is getting warmer.

Should be good to see a 100 F wind chill in the next few months. Perhaps that will make it feel cooler :wink:


it should disappear …yes…