WIFI/ IP Camera Recommendation **Solved**

My “Live Webcam” block has been freezing up over the past few days. It works fine updating my pictures every 5 minutes, and then without cause, the “Live Webcam” block FREEZES posting an old pic on my dashboard.

I have tested the camera (Amcrest ip3m-943w) using Amcrest’s viewer - No problem. Picture shows

I have rebooted Meteobridge, disabled & re-enabled the “cam” settings. Changed the camera URL pointing to another Amcrest ip camera on the same NW segment with the same results.

Gear: Weather Station(s) Ecowitt 1000, 2000, 2551
Router: Asus RT-AC88U
RPi4b - Running Meteobridge V 5.8 (Jan 4 2024, build 3139), FW 1.3

It’s working fine at this very moment, but who knows?

Anybody have a similar set-up with a good camera option.

thanks in advance,

Hi Phil,

Yes, I use my Meteobridge also for this. First with IP-webcam and currently with the Ecowitt camera. Never had any problems with this setup.

I checked your camera this morning (Europe/Brussels)
At your time 2024-01-14 2:48:04 AM

  1. The URL to your screenshot is correct. It is also unique with a timestamp, so probably this is not a caching problem at your webserver.
  2. The image is stalled at 2024-01-13 19:59
  3. The weather values are missing at the bottom row.

Seems to me a problem with your Meteobridge not getting the data nor the image to the Meteobridge server.

Do you block outside data from your home at 08:00PM or at midnight?

Your WU page does not get any data since Jan 7, 2024 11:20


Hi Wim,
A couple years ago I encountered web cam issues. Once I corrected the cam URL it’s been reliably until a couple weeks ago!
*No I do not block outside data

  • January 7th is the date my boot drive crashed - I probably have to re-enter MB data?
    I have 3 of the same model Amcrest camera. I can try swapping cameras to see if it’s the unit. I’ll report back on this thread.
    Thank You.

I just checked my MB settings and found some confusing data. All the MB settings have green checks. The Amcrest viewer displays a current image. The LIve Webcam on pwsWD is frozen. It worked fine for a year+. I did crash my boot drive a week ago. I do have a new anti virus which I may try removing to see if this resolves.

MB Weather Cam - OK/green checks
MB Weather Cam - OK/green checks
MB aircam - produces current image
Amcrest viewer - successful
My pwsWD dashboard Live Webcam frozen?

My fix to get it back online was to disable the cam in MB, reboot MB and then reinsert the settings?

All seems well after restarting the meteobridge.

There is no live webcam in your PWS_Dashboard
The 5 minute or older images come from your meteobridge → metebridge hosting server.

All loaded images inside your local meteobridge are stored on a metebridge cloud server in Germany. This is the URL specified by you in your easyweather settings.
That url should get the most recent data from the Meteobridge .com website.
When you click you see an image.

That same image should popup when you click on your website block.
If you right-click and select a choice such as “show link in new tab”, you then also see the empty weather-values.

The URL you provided does present a current image.
Checked the tab with the overlay. Two green checks. I also uninstalled McAfee in the event it’s firewall may have some affect. Any suggestions on how to reinstate “my weather values” on the frame?

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Those weathervalues should be coming from
Tab: Station
→ Select: Primary station

You can check the data received in your Metebridge at
Tab: Monitor
→ Select “Live data”

removed the cam settings, rebooted MB, reinstall the cam url. It worked fine for a couple hours, now when I check I get “Error: Camera URL not providing data: http://admin:Lambcat11%[email protected]/cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi?1

btw, also uninstalled McAfee,

My Live Data:


It’s been up for about 6 hours with NO MB red checks! The aircam.jpg is time/dated correctly.

I wonder if uninstalling McAfee resolved the issue?? A firewall setting?

I’ve exhausted my knowledge base which is short

Thanks for your help, as always!


Screenshot of “Live Data”

Hi Wim,

Earlier I emailed you some screen shots of my MB config showing green check marks. I uninstalled McAffee which was not in the equation prior to this instability. I was wondering if the McAfee firewall or active browser scan crushed the cam setting on MB?? It’s now up & running for 6 hours. I’ll wait to see if it fails overnight. If it does, I’ll reach out to Boris.

Thank you,


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It worked for several hours and the It failed to refresh overnight???
Before when I toggled the camera icon I would get directed to the last static image. Now I receive:

“SOLVED” The ecowitt Gateway (GW-1000) was down. Reset and all’s good. Thanks for all your time and help!


Thanks for all your help troubleshooting!

Phil A.

Glad you got it working :slightly_smiling_face:

Wim’s on holiday this week: https://discourse2.weather-watch.com/t/i-am-on-vacation-so-less-support-from-my-side/73152?u=bitsostring