Last spring we have a power failure. The computer is on a UPS, that shuts it down in the middle of the night. From that point on, I get a windows error message every time I have to shut down WD after pressing “save and exit”.
I am trying to get my current conditions icon to show something more that “Clear Night” or “Scattered Clouds”. The “Cloud Base Banner” gets it right, but the icon in WD does not and neither does my home page or the summary icon. I have read that sometimes you need to restart WD for the changes to take effect. I got tired of seeing the error message, so I thought I would do something about it and maybe the icon issue might get fixed also.
- I tried just updating WD - still crashes.
- I tried the windows uninstall of WD and then reinstall - still crashes.
- I tried the windows uninstall, then deleting the WD registry, then reinstall per the move WD to another computer instructions - still crashes on exit.
- Next I do the same as step #3 except I also uninstall most of the stuff in the c/WD folder. I keep the video, data and log folders though.
Yea! WD no longer crashes on exit. The current conditions icon is still wrong, except when raining, the Cloud Base Banner is always right, except when it is raining, :? and a new problem has arisen. #-o All the data is lost from August to December 16 -when reinstall happened. ](*,)
I tried the action / convert log files to data files / convert all found log files to data files. and waited overnight. On my main screen it is still missing 20" of rain for this year and the records page is also missing the data. But if I go to view / average/extremes/records and look at the monthly data under Averages/Exremes all the data is there. :?
- How do I get the missing rain, etc. data to show?
- How do I get the WD current conditions and Summary icon to be correct? In the control panel / Universal Main Screen Icon Setup - the Use Downloaded Metar to Update the Icon is checked and so is Your Stations Rain/Wind/Fog Overides the Metar.
- How do I get the Cloud Base Banner to show rain?
Win XP service pack 3 - WD 10.37P build 14
Sometimes it seems that it is better to just live with an issue that open another can of worms trying to fix it. :dontknow:
ARRGGG… I just got the “WD has encountered a problem and needs to close” message again.