What did you set for $C[‘whois_url’] ? is set at default, i didnt change that.
Nothing in the script was changed other than adding my DB details,
I think i will wait till i sort out my new site that will be in php i think that
cause im trying to include it in html files this is the problem
As for the records showing millions, i was playing
Don’t go by my site for the errors…LOL, I have other issues that I’m slowly getting through! One other minor glitch I have noticed a couple of times…If the “Last URL” is a long address, such as my wu page the entire page gets bumped down very low. So low in fact I could not take a screen shot of it.
Now for a funny story regarding this script…My daughter is studying abroad in Spain. This morning I was looking at the new page and noticied a visitor from Spain viewing the WebCam…Hmmmmm got on AIM asked my daughter if she was looking at the WebCam and YES she was. It freaked her out that I knew what she was doing…LOL. Turns out she was showing her host family the website because she is coming home on Friday and wanted to share the site with them. Too funny!
I think the validation problem might be cause by some empty rows that somehow got inserted in the database.
Do you have any empty rows in your database whos_online table? can you possibly browse it with phpMyAdmin?
I made a new version to possibly fix the validation problem, but I cannot access my server to test it or upload the new zip file.
time format setting will be in my next version…
I might post it here temporarily in a few minutes.
Jack, these settings are for you, try lowering the numbers to like 150 wrap the words
// three of the strings can be auto wordwrapped
$C[‘lasturl_wordwrap_chars’] = 175; // <= set to number of characters to wrap to
$C[‘useragent_wordwrap_chars’] = 250; // <= set to number of characters to wrap to
$C[‘referer_wordwrap_chars’] = 250; // <= set to number of characters to wrap to
Jack, the table overflow too wide problem …
that is why I force my whos-online.php page to be on a wide template css
sometimes the ‘Last page url’ is too long and the whos-online.php page overflows the template really wide
(carterlake php weather template users)
This is a whose-online mod to force the whose-online.php page to use wide css,
the rest of your site can stay on a narrow theme or what ever the visitor has selected (narrow or wide).
Put this code at the very bottom of the Settings.php, but before the closing PHP tag:
// the code below will force your whose-online.php page to use a wide css template
if ( isset($C['filename_whos_online']) && preg_match("/".$C['filename_whos_online']."/i", $SITE['REQURI']) ){
$SITE['CSSscreen'] = str_replace ('-narrow.css','-wide.css',$SITE['CSSscreen']);
(any other php template users)
The whose online page displays best on a wide css style template page
Three of the strings can be auto wordwrapped, look in the include-whos-online-settings.php file
lower the lasturl_wordwrap_chars to like 75
// three of the strings can be auto wordwrapped
$C['lasturl_wordwrap_chars'] = 175; // <= set to number of characters to wrap to
$C['useragent_wordwrap_chars'] = 250; // <= set to number of characters to wrap to
$C['referer_wordwrap_chars'] = 250; // <= set to number of characters to wrap to
Most problems that i had have been resolved, but sadly if you look at the top
of the page my DB name is still showing, I have installed it exactly per your
I think its coming from this (below) as thats all thats in the header from the script
Ok just started over again with the new updated version and i also added the new
include-style-switcher.php and i got 2 wee issues, the stats are not showing a time
but i think thats because i think i got this part wrong , i wanted the date to be 28/12/08
$C[‘date_time_format’] = ‘d-m-Y h:i a T’; but i dont think thats working some how?
bashy, did you upload all the new php files from the zip file?
include-whos-online-page.php in particular because it has the new function your error says it cannot find
about the dat time problems, i will check again, i did this coding without having a server to try it on.