Whos Online Script

OK, I finally figured it out. Here is the deal: you have disabled the theme switcher, so it is not even being included.
I have a way to fix it though. This new way does not need the include-style-switcher.php to be replaced.

Put this code at the very bottom of the Settings.php, but before the closing PHP tag:

  // the code below will force your whose-online.php page to use a wide css template
 if ( isset($C['filename_whos_online']) && preg_match("/".$C['filename_whos_online']."/i", $SITE['REQURI']) ){
   $SITE['CSSscreen'] = str_replace ('-narrow.css','-wide.css',$SITE['CSSscreen']);

This will replace the old method, the include-style-switcher.php no longer has to be replaced to force the page wide.
I will update the wo-extras folder readme.txt accordingly.


Just wanted to let you know that I am unable to get to your site.


This is what I am getting Mike.

Connection Interrupted

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again.

That fixed it Mike. Thanks.

I seem to have a problem with the stats. I am finding that when the max for today changes all the others chage to that value as well, so when todays max changes the month year and all time also change to this value. Anyone else seeing this?


Nobody has reported a problem like that
Could it be 21 is your new all time record?

4 Visitors online right now
Max visitors today: 21 at 09:36 UTC
This month: 21 at 26-12-2008 09:36 UTC
This year: 21 at 26-12-2008 09:36 UTC
All time: 21 at 26-12-2008 09:36 UTC

also I see you are still using version 1.08 when the current version is 1.51

I was puzzled but I was convinced that yesterday I had 22. I’m going to keep a very close eye on it for the next few days. I did play with my local copy where I changed some of the database values in stats to see what happened but it all worked OK.


Edit: Saturday morning - just checked and its certainly working OK at present. I’ll check on it for the next few days to see what happens, just in case its a serialisation problem on updating the database.

Hi Mike

I wonder why the password field always is predefined in Firefox. In IE7 and Opera 9.63 the password field is empty.

See attached pic.

Best regards,


That is a feature of FF. In IE you have to start typing in the user and then it will show possible users you have already saved. When you select on of them it will fill in.

In FF, if you have defined more than one user, it will do the same.

Hi Kevin

Okay - thanks.

Im not that familiar with Firefox yet - but the more time I use FF the more I like Firefox.

Best regards,


EVERY time I see this bot (twiceler-0.9) I see a google bot in the same area for the same amount of time minus 30 seconds. Are they related?


they are not related

cuil is twiceler:

But every time I see the one the other is 30 seconds behind. Must be some type of connection.



I’m learning this database stuff. (the wife is gonna be soooo happy) Here’s what I get:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: check_for_settings() in /home/content/c/n/y/cnyweather/html/whos-online.php on line 46



Are you installing for the first time?
make sure you did step 4 in the readme.txt

or are you upgrading from a older version?
Are you using the latest downloaded version 1.51?

Changing step 4 in Settings.php hosed the whole site

Warning: mysql_connect(): Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/usr/local/mysql-5.0/data/mysql.sock’ (2) in /home/content/c/n/y/cnyweather/html/include-whos-online-header.php on line 95

Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/content/c/n/y/cnyweather/html/include-whos-online-header.php on line 96
Could not connect:

Think I’ll start from scratch again. :smiley:

I found a bug in version 1.51

This will fix the problem of refresh not working when password protect enabled and you are logged in

edit whose-online.php


if(  isset($_GET['refresh']) && is_numeric($_GET['refresh']) && $C['allow_refresh'] ){


if(  isset($_GET['refresh']) && is_numeric($_GET['refresh'])  ){

I modified Jim’s State addon into a different one that does not require remote lookups.
Also this one is totally free and unlimited It is now included. It is optional. You have to install and enable it.
see ‘state-addon’ folder readme.txt inside the whos-online.zip file

Version: 1.52 31-Dec-2008

  • fixed refresh not working when login enabled and logged in
  • added a new state-addon plugin to show “city, state” next to country flags, see ‘state-addon’ folder readme.txt
  • Thanks to (Jim McMurry - jcweather.us) for the idea and some of the code.
    to upgrade from 1.51, replace whos-online.php, include-whos-online-page.php, and include-whos-online-header.php


Hi Mike (and Jim)

Thank you very much for the update.

I have it up and running in both Danish and English.

I have one suggestion to us non-english users:

How about moving this line in the include-whos-online-page.php to the settings file:

echo ‘

This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com/


Best regards,


Hi again

Is it possible to print the ‘City’ instead of the ‘State’ in the table next to the flag?

Best regards,


edit include-whos-online-settings.php

define('TEXT_MAXMIND_CREDIT', 'This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com/');


change: (line426)

echo '<p>This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com/</p>'; 


echo '<p>'.TEXT_MAXMIND_CREDIT.'</p>'; 

These changes will be added to the zip