I had actually been meaning to post something about the Weather Underground history script. I run my own web hosting business on the side and of course on one of those servers is where my weather site resides. A few months ago I noticed the load on the server would climb astronomically for no apparent reason. I spent weeks trying to figure out what was causing the problem.
In the end I tracked it down to the Weather Underground history script on my site as well as a few other weather websites that are on there running the same script. Google’s bot and Yahoo’s bot were hitting those pages and going through every combination in the dropdowns. When they did, the bots seemed to kind of get stuck there going through all the different combinations and in the process, server load would climb through the roof. It was a really bizarre thing.
Anyway, after modifying the robots.txt and asking folks to add noindex to their headers on the problem pages the server load returned to normal and all was well.
Password protect isn’t working for me. I enable protect (password only = ‘test’) and get the password box but after I click the login button the page refreshes but nothing has changed. http://azjerry.com/weather/whos-online.php
I’m using the Carterlake narrow template. I have installed the modified include-style-switcher.php file on both my local test server as well as my public server. Neither one is switching to the wide template.
Download the zip file again and try the new include-style-switcher.php in the wo-extras folder, I just updated it.
Let me know if that works
This problem would only happen when you have the $SITE[‘CSSscreenDefault’] set and the controls hidden with the setting $SITE[‘allowThemeSwitch’] = false;
, but it should be fixed now if you install the new include-style-switcher.php[/s]
sometimes the ‘Last page url’ is too long and the whos-online.php page overflows the template really wide
(carterlake php weather template users)
This is a whose-online mod to force the whose-online.php page to use wide css,
the rest of your site can stay on a narrow theme or what ever the visitor has selected (narrow or wide).
Put this code at the very bottom of the Settings.php, but before the closing PHP tag:
// the code below will force your whose-online.php page to use a wide css template
if ( isset($C['filename_whos_online']) && preg_match("/".$C['filename_whos_online']."/i", $SITE['REQURI']) ){
$SITE['CSSscreen'] = str_replace ('-narrow.css','-wide.css',$SITE['CSSscreen']);
(any other php template users)
The whose online page displays best on a wide css style template page, adjust your css accordingly
Three of the strings can be auto wordwrapped, look in the include-whos-online-settings.php file
lower the lasturl_wordwrap_chars to like 75
// three of the strings can be auto wordwrapped
$C['lasturl_wordwrap_chars'] = 175; // <= set to number of characters to wrap to
$C['useragent_wordwrap_chars'] = 250; // <= set to number of characters to wrap to
$C['referer_wordwrap_chars'] = 250; // <= set to number of characters to wrap to
It might be able to be recognize it but I would need to know the user agent.
You can see user agents if you select profile display "All"
It has been reported that msn has a search link quality bot.
The MSN search link quality bot uses user agent strings of actual browsers, so it’s hard to identify.
Those are MSN’s cloaking detectors, originating from 65.55.xx.xx. They are spiders that access your site using regular User Agent strings, rather than normal spider strings. MSN uses them to ensure that the same content is provided to both the search spider and regular users, as some web pages serve up bogus content to spiders in order to drive traffic to their site. They are a nuisance, but cannot be detected by strings in spiders.txt.