Who gets random crashes?

Please post here, and your station type, windows version, what you have WD doing, etc.

Station Type: WMR-968 / WinXP-SP1

  1. At various times I can click on the OK button to exit out of the web cam section, and it would shutdown that window, then I would hear my system grinding away as if doing a mini-dump, then I would get the message of sending the error to MS or Don’t send. After acknowledging the prompts, WD would then shutdown completely.
    It doesn’t matter if I changed or didn’t change anything within the webcam area, the error MS error condition would come up and shutdown WD.

  2. Viewing Sun/Moon data would periodically cause this same condition upon clicking on the OK exiting that area.

I have Windows XP Pro, Ultimeter 2100, 833 MHz Dell with 512 MB memory.

I use the standard web page upload, a single custom web page, APRS upload, wunderground uploads, 3 METAR downloads, and 2 forecast downloads. I use a background image for the summary.

WD will run 2-3 days or more and than randomly “hang” the PC. The WD window is usually all white. Some times the PC’s clock in the system tray will be frozen and sometimes not.

Once WD has “crashed” or hung the PC (after running fine for some number of days), from that point on, it’ll hang much quicker. After reboot and restart, it will initially run and upload fine but ONLY for about 30 - 60 minutes before hanging again! It’s like there’s a timebomb in there waiting for me to go to bed or to go to work, just so it can taunt me with another 6-10 block of no data. A clean install last week managed to clear up the problem. I did a clean install this morning but it looks like updates to APRS stopped about 30 minutes after I left the house for work.

Just a generic comment, we recently got a couple of XP notebooks and have had more freezes on those machines in 2 months than on a mixture of 6 w95/98/nt machines over several years.

I run WD very reliably on 98SE.

Ditto here!..No WD crash or memory problems with 98SE. One major difference between 98SE and 2000/me /XP is the system recovery option. I had Roxio’s Go-Back, and had terrible happenings!(large reduction of free-space,memory loss to name a few). Once I got rid of it and re-installed everything manually…no Problems!

hi all,

Here as well crashes:

permanent connection
1 GHz 390 Mb intern
WMR 900H
custom web page upload, some more other web page, weeroverzicht.txt for wxlocal, wunderground uploads, some METAR downloads, webcamimage upload, forecast downloads.

for more details see my posting at WD dies every …

Same here, Crashes daily - to a degree. WD stop uploading data to my web page, but the program continues to run until I bring it up from the tool bar. At that point, everything freezes up and it closes on me.

Running XP Pro on P4, 2.4 with 512MB RAM.

It’s been doing this for several versions now.

Oops! I ment to add that I’m using Davis Vantage Pro, cabled version with data logger.

what are the sizes of your graphdata.inf, graphdata2.inf, graphdata3.inf files?
(in the folder data files)

Graphdata.inf 18 KB
Graphdata2.inf 83 KB
Graphdata3.inf 195 KB

they look OK
is it a certain time of day this happens or certain event?>

i know it doesnt mean much, but i dont have any problems myself…

and i put this posting up, and there are a few people who do though!

i might have changed somehting for the worse…
i am going to try something for the next verison
stay tuned

Ditto most of the above. My last crash was this am when I tried to maximze the first time after the auto minimize at 3 am. My graphdata.inf file is 3.81 mb (no mistake) and graphdata2 is 65.3 kb. No graphdata1??

I am using W98 on a PII 400 with 128 mb ram. Of course, I have the trusty Ulitmeter 800. I using 9.53 but going over to download now.

if your graphdata.inf (or with numbers on the end)
is over 150k , then exit WD and delete those files

i will put a record check in the main graphdata.inf file

all this problems has come about after i changed the way the real time graphs are saved, which has stopped the repeating of the data on the grpahs etc, so there has been a big improvement there
hang in there guys

Done, deleted, but get this, WD selected my com port when I started back up??

so thats good then
some +ve news
(I am too scared to check the rest of the forum)
uploading a new vers now

Ok, I’ve deleted Graphdata3.inf (195 KB), restared, then exited to download latest version. Restarted and nothing abnormal.

Lets see how it’ll do !!

Thanks !

note for davis VP users:
you have a graphdata3.inf file in use
which is the UV/solar real time graph

( i will add this data to the extra sensor real time graph under graph history)

Good news for the moment, Brian !

Turned off my screensaver and WD made it trought the night !!! :smiley:
All FTP’s well (did it each hour to see what the ‘deadline’ should be !)
graphdata(2) 35 kb (

screen savers are not good for real time software
just see the VWS forum for all about that over the years!

note for davis VP users: you have a graphdata3.inf file in use which is the UV/solar real time graph

( i will add this data to the extra sensor real time graph under graph history)

Question - If our station doesn’t have the UV/Solar sensors, does WD still try to update graphdata3.inf, and, if it does, would it create problems for WD since any data for a non-existant would be bogus?