I’m wondering if someone in this forum community might be able to help with some questions I have. I am a WP Carey School of Business student at ASU and I
I’m wondering if someone in this forum community might be able to help with some questions I have. I am a WP Carey School of Business student at ASU and I
What is the purpose of this study?
Are you looking specifically at the U.S. retail market or is it a world wide study?
And are you looking for professional wx equipment users, or hobby users - which is most of the members here?
I am graduating in may and this research is for a final business plan.
My focus of interest is the US market with regard to enthusiasts, so yes hobbyists.
The only sites I have come across so far are:
Can you think or name any others?
I appreciate the help.
I don’t believe I have ever seen twister mentioned on here. I usually buy from either ambientweather or provantage.
I would have to say that I also have never seen thetwistergroup.com (or don’t remember) ever really being mentioned.
The top two US based usually mentioned are ambientweather.com and provantage.com both of which I have done business with.
I don’t see any weather equipment on thetwistergroup.com :roll:
Well after that last post I had to look and while I know i have never visited thetwistergroup.com before if you type in weather in their search box there are weather stations shown…
There’s also WeatherBuffs.com and not forgetting HobbyBoards.
Niche vendors addressing the weather enthusiast market would include:
Weather Display of course
Boltek makes and sells lightning detectors:
Astrogenic sells 3rd party software for above:
Aninoquisi also sells 3rd party Boltek software:
Gibson Ridge sells personal radar display software:
Storm Alert is the main competitor to Gibson Ridge:
Allison House is a data aggregator and sells data feeds for the two above radar applications:
Digital Atmosphere sells a custom weather chart / forecasting application:
WX Sim sells an atmospheric modeling application: