Which Silicon Labs USB Driver for Davis?

Hi folks:

I downloaded and installed the latest WD v10.37s build 143 dated July 18 2022 to a new W11 mini-pc.
The link for SiLabs USB drivers given in the WD Station Type / Davis tab is defunct.
I found drivers on this page:

There are two Windows drivers there:

  • CP210x Universal Windows Driver v11.1.0 3/21/2022
  • CP210x Windows Drivers v6.7.6 9/3/2020

I saw someplace on here that someone had to roll back their SiLabs drivers after an update.
Can anyone recommend which of these I should use.


I use the Universal Windows Drivers and and it works good for me.


Thanks Charles

I used the CP210x Universal Windows Driver v11.1.0 3/21/2022 driver.
It has been working without incident for a week.
